How do you geomerge sender/reciever/two-way nodes? I saw somewhere it had to do with setting the spawn type to asymmetric, or something like that. Please help.
Ya i just figured/saw that today too. And i put it into action a few minutes ago on my last resort judgement map. You set on to asymetric and leave the other alone, dummy them, ect, and i got by with that. However, sometimes instead of the tele doubbleing and turning no clip, it just resets back where it was before you dummy it. Maby you should be setting the other on on symetric? IDK the fine details, but it IS possible to ghost merge a teleporter by putting one on asymetric and leaving the other alone.
Spawn 2 Teleporters/Recievers. Dummy both of them, and set the "first" one to Asymetric and the second one remains "Both". Grab the second one and go to the properties and set its minimum to its maximum and wait like a minute for it to spawn, and your done .
I've done it on multiple occassions without changing the symetry options. Dummy, move, minimum up, wait. The end. Maybe I was just lucky when it happened, as I have noticed the way I do it with teleporters isn't 100% reliable. Thanks for the clarification on that way to do it.
no problem guys oh and i forgot to tell you that you can only geomerge the teleporters once you start the game up, sorry to say that if you start a new round at all! it will not work.