I need your opinions on them because I'm about to make a map might include teleporters depending on what you all think.
i just dont like them altho they are good in the kinda maps like warlock. or used as a teledoor like shown in my map Haymaker if you use them id deff make sure you make then hidden.
The only time teleporters are bad is when you don't use them right. If used correctly, they can make the difference between a good map and a great map, or a good map and a crappy map.
My general rule is that they should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. The problem with teleporters is that while they do provide a quick transportation system to get from point A to point B, they are confusing as players unfamiliar with your map do not know where they go. And, when they 'teleport' to a new location they may be disoriented at the sudden change of surroundings. It sounds stupid but I know of many custom games where i've died because i had to take a few seconds to adjust and figure out my new surroundings. In addition, I think that in the case that you do use teleporters, make sure you use only a few of them. just one sender and receiver if you can manage it. Too many causes the aforementioned problems. Also, if you do happen to use them. make sure it is obvious as to where you will end up. If the receiver node is easy to see then people generally have enough common sense to know where they will be heading, which helps to counter the previous disorientation I described. Those are just some things to keep in mind when designing your map. In truth though, it all mostly depends on what style of map you are making. If it is a more casual map then teleporters aren't as big of a deal. On the flip side, if its a more competitive map then using teleporters might cause some controversy. Hope that helps!
Teleporters are bad when they are used to create teleporter driven maps, like any chiron remake. Since it's instant transport, players can become confused at where they end up. Don't make all your teleporters on the same frequency so that it becomes random. The only time i ever successfully used teleporters was in my enclosed 2v2 map to go from the bottom floor to the top.
As many people have said, it can be both a good thing, and a bad thing... It's simply a matter of whether or not they are used well in a map.
well it can be good or bad... but if you do use teleporters... try to disguise them... teleporters just out there look ugly and boring. interlock the teleports into doors, or interlock them into a box and put a shield door in front of it. or you could geo merge teleporters in the the ground and use scenery to make them noticable.
Teleporters lead to teleporter camping, which sucks. Unless you can devise a way to stop camping, don't put them in your map.
As said before, teleporters are bad, unless they are hidden well. Reasons I like: Fast Transport Holding Things Still Aesthetics (Possibly) Reasons I Don't: They don't blend well with anything, they stick out. Disorientation Placing them sideways, or anything not flat, is a pain. I usually don't use them at all, but when they are disguised, they can be nice. You could merge one into a door, so that it's not too noticeable, but still useful. Or you could be all fancy and make a big wall with shield doors with interlocked teleporters in it, be a like a door that you can't see through. Lol.