Is there any way to make a player always come out of a teleporter facing a specific direction? Regardless of which direction they entered a teleporter from Also I was trying to make a teleporter that you go through mid air after taking a jump in a mongoose, and having it teleport you to the ground, but it just makes you teleport about 15 feet above the ground and gives you sideways momentum. any way to fix that? (I tried turning the teleporter)
Set up both the receiver and sender teleporters. Set them both to box. Set the height, width and length the same for both teleporters. Now, test them out by going through them and finding out which side is the right one. I do this on a flat surface, so that it is much easier to test. You know you went through the right side when you come out facing the direction that you are driving. If you come out facing sideways, then it's wrong (obviously lol).
Just so you know, the direction you come out of a teleporter is in relation to the direction you go in. It's not like Halo 3 where you always came out facing the same direction no matter how you entered it. so unless you are going to make it so you can only enter from one direction you wont get them to come out in one direction. If you are just go through the teleporter in the direction you want them to go then when you pop out the other side, look down, grab the teleporter and turn it until the side pointed the direction you came out is pointed the direction you wanted.
The other forgers are right about the relative direction in the teleporter but there is a much easier method to determine which way the teleporter is going to point someone when they come out. If you get really close to the node you will see a raised lip on part of the circle and on the opposite side is a little arrow pointing out. The lip is the back of the node and the arrow is the direction objects will go when coming through.
If you look carefully at the bottom of the teleporter you can see two little nubs... those indicate the direction of the teleporter. So for example, if you were sliding down a hill and went thru a teleporter... your momentum is maintained in the direction of the nubs, but the direction your character is facing will be the same as when you entered the first teleporter.