this is a good place to start the last 2 pictures are the most important - you will need 2 or 3 xbox 360 controllers - change the game type to Assault (Violenter?) - place a Spawn Area and change the shape to Square (use a Spawn Area marker for a 90 degree wall - use a King of the Hill marker for different angles) - change the properties to make a large wall of light - place the Spawn Area light so it is EXACTLY even with the wall you would like to write on (or use the Spawn Area marker to place the wall first) - change the wall pieces to 180 Seconds/Spawn at Start = No - start a new round - 'look' at the Spawn Area with the controller (Monitor) that signed in last to light up the Spawn Area wall (only one of the controllers will be able to keep the Spawn Area light on while you are looking at a teleporter with another controller - if it does not work use different controller) - float a teleporter so that only the gold bar is visible in the Spawn Area light - save and quit
for me to learn i just disected the grifball map and looked at what they did with it and made a few simple things......
i should really make a video sooner than i had planned the one by Bl00D is good for starters, but does not show how to make the light flush with your wall so it looks the same from all angles the technique i use is extremely simple, allows for perfectly straight lines (any angle), and makes free placing a snap so you can easily draw pictures i will be making a video for the Sandbox version of Team Home Courts, but that is still a few months away