I was working on an idea today....involving driving a mongoose through a series of teleporters....sort of a track, but split with teleport entry and exit.... But....I find that I can only pass through the first teleport gate with the vehicle, it just drives right through the second gate..... Walking, or as the forge monitor, the gates work as I intend. What gives....?
Is the exit point big enough for the vehicle? I have found in playing with teleporters that the size of the exit is really a sensitive thing. If it's not big enough you can't go through - it won't tell you it's blocked or anything, it just acts like it's not even a teleporter any more. I was working with this on a map where the exit was slightly too small and I could go through as monitor but not as a spartan.
You also have to make sure that both teleporters allow vehicles. If only one allows vehicles, then the vehicle won't make it through.