Tele-Port Created by MDIGN Supported Gametypes: All Slayer All Capture the Flag All VIP All Juggernaught All Assult All Infection All Territories Map Description This was made for the "Take this off my hands" contest, using the skybubble. It is an asmetrical map. It plays like a mix of Gaurdian and Valhalla. I also used the teleporters efficiently as doors(kinda) and transportation to the neutral island. Weapon List: 2 x Shotguns 1 x Rocket Launcher 1 x Energy Sword 1 x Turret 1 x Needeler 1 x Spartain Laser 1 x Sniper Video Will post soon. Neutral Island Main Island Base One Base Two(Note gold bar for design) Center Battlefield FEEDBACK PLEASE Download Tele-Port
Weapon / equipment list please and thanks? If it's interesting I will download... it looks like a unique and fun map from the pictures but I'm not sure it's worth the space on my HD until I see the weapon list. If it's another one of those 10 BRs, 2 Snipers and a Rocket I won't bother :[
I noticed that there is no sniper in the weapon list. Did you take it out?? P.s. I'm looking forward to testing this map
Since you have a spartan laser in there, maybe you could put some flying vehicles? It looks good though.
I suggest a few more weapons like 1 or 2. And maybe a few grenades. Not spike or fire grenades, plasma and frags. I think you should add a BR in somewhere, maybe laying against a wall. I think a power drain would do good for this map also. But it is a pretty cool list of weapons, very original in my opinion. I don't see needelers too much.
Needlers would be absolutely devastating on this map. There is a lot of open areas that you could exploit with it. Downloaded. Let you know what I think tomorrow (check this post for an edit)
maybe its a little bit to open and too much points where youu get fell down. but i think you got some good ideas. so trhe layout is good too. maybe it would look a little bit cleaner if you would interlock...just a tipp...
Kk, thnx I've taken all of your recomendations into consideration, and I'll see what I can do in a V2. =)