Sandbox Tele-Flag

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Keegan, May 3, 2009.

  1. Keegan

    Keegan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These maps were made by the 405th Infantry Division, the Costuming Community of the Halo Universe.

    Download TeleFlag
    Reccommended Gametypes: Multi-Flag

    Weapons on Map:
    Shotgun x2
    Battle Rifle x2
    Splazer x1
    Machine Gun Turret x2
    Needler x2
    Sniper x2

    Two bases are seperate from eachother, only to be seen by the sniper. Teleport below to the crypt to battle it off until you sweep through the enemy teleporter up to their base. Take their flag, and do it all over again.
    The Sniper can hit the other base off guard, just as long as they arent using theirs as well. Everything is symmetrical. The teleporters are in the back of the bases, which recieve in the miniature bases. To get back into the base, use the teleporter in the pyramid.








    6-16 players.

    #1 Keegan, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  2. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a map i just made
    but on my map teleporting is more of an option
    oh well
    but the area in the sky bubble looks really open
    and there isn't very many weapons on the map
    the bases in the crypt look great
  3. Keegan

    Keegan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The sky bubble is supposed to be open. The only way to interact up there is the snipers. I made it that way so you have to go through the crypt to get the flag. I exceeded the object limit, though, thats why there isnt very many weapons. I was thinking of removing the sky box part over all, but I think its kind of necessary for combat and spawning reasons.
    #3 Keegan, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  4. Sgt Visiliy

    Sgt Visiliy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its a good idea, but the players could just camp the teleporters and block them so their opponents cannot get through, If there was tele-fragging then it would be a problem.

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