Teh Geomerge Problem

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sonic Boxers, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    I can't seem to Geomerge a double box into the corner wall of Foundry with the pipes, even though I've seen like 3 different tutorials 'n' junk. I don't know whats the dealio. I have my map saved at a point where the box is Geomerged most of the way, but when I get to a certain point it falls into the floor like a Friggin' Tremor just sucked it down!!! :mad: And thats not the whole story! This problem is halting my progress into finishing my map, that I hope to eventually post on here on FH. I have my whole map done except the wall, and I'm not about to delete my map to DL a canvas. Also, I frown upon the use of money glitch for MY maps, so that means I didn't use that, (don't know what it has to do with goemerging, but I'm just throwing it out there). I still need to finish that wall of Foundry and I haven't even started the other side too!

  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Are you using Save & Quit? As in, don't just grab then quickly release the box, because then it gets sucked in easily. Grab it, wait a second, save, then quit, and start it back up. Results are always much better with this technique.
  3. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    Yes, I have been doing that, but in a more safe manner. Sometimes when I grab and save, the box ends up lopsided, so what I do is grab and wait the time period it would take to save, then 'observe' how it would look if I did save. Then I would end game and follow up with a save 'n' quit if I liked the previous outcome. A bit confusing, but I trust it more than just a quick save fluke, because the save 'n' quit might mess up.
    OMG, I'm in such a...
  4. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Conundrum sounds right. =D
    I really don't know then. If I had a video or a link to the map I could take a look, but as of now I really don't know what's going wrong...
  5. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    It will come out at an awkward angle if your touch the RT while geormerging it.
    Not doing that when you save and quit might help to certain extent.
  6. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can save stuff outside of the map like man cannons and have four of them around it. then it shouldn't sink down.
  7. Patchwork V2

    Patchwork V2 Ancient
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    Well I honestly can't think of anything to help you. You seem to be doing everything right. My only advice is to keep trying. It should work after a while ^_^
  8. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Use teleporters try and get barriers outside of the map and save and quit and it should work well. If you do all three of those i dont know what else to tell you.
  9. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    Since I'm still a noblet (Baby n00b) at some of the stuff at FH, I don't know how to quote 2 people in 1 reply, so:

    To Patchwork v2 -
    I have been doing that and I hoped that eventually it would just fall into place and I would go "Yay! It worked," but, alas, nuthin'. :(

    To Stratigon13 -
    You may have just solved my problem. May. I think the reason the box keeps falling into the ground could be because I don't have any Bracers Geomerged themselves
    into the walls. I'm not sure if that requires the same process as everything else, because, you know, they're TELEPORTERS. IDK how to geomerge those. And even still, I probably couldn't get the Teleporters to be in the exact spot where they need to be.

    Hopefully, when I get back online I could get someone to help me and show me exactly what I'm doing wrong. If you'd like to help me, just send a FR to Sonic Boxers, and like I said, hopefully I'll be online soon.
    Thanks for the help everyone. :)

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