I don't feel sorry for that kid at all, it's as simple as this. Don't threaten police with a knife, it is illegal to threaten people, they had no choice.
Well they certainly were'nt going to try and take down the kid. I would follow that simple rule don't get close to someone with a knife, they're like a drowning victim, you don't get close because you never know what they are going to do. I guess they could have talked it over coffee, but they wanted to arrest the kid so that the kid couldn't hury himself or take a hostage. If it were me, I would have shot the kid in the knee cap. I not going to ****ing kid around when I tell you to get on the ground and you're going to refuse and shove a knife in my face. BLAM! Beanbags can kill too. If they hit the head or upper chest they can kill you. What if a beanbag hit you in the nuts? I don't agree that Cops are being excesively brutal, I challenge you to spend a day with a police officer and see what they go through from day to day. See it from there eyes.
I think the cop should have taken out a knife and the two could of had a crazy knife fight. Then the other cop could record it and put it on YouTube.
^---- Agreed hands down. And anyways, from what it sounds like the kid brought it upon himself. This is technically the same as when a person gets shot for aiming a gun at an officer. They were dumb enough to think they could get away with it...
Tazers are almost essential to controlling roaring crowds and other people who are hard to handle... Sure s may happen but that is there personal fault for not using it wisely... Tazers make the world safer than they make it more dangerous
I hate being the dark demented guy, but I believe that if the tazer killed him he probbly had some other problem (like drugs) and if he was breaking into cars and stealing, he basically decided his own fate. Sorry, it's just how i feel. Please don't send me hate mail. I really feel bad for his mom but not for him.
i saw on mythbusters that there is a difference inbetween "deadly" and "hurtfull" when it comes to shock, just my 2 cents. (ill figure out the terms later)