Technoproco A while back (a looooooong while back), I created this blog, not really knowing what to do with it. Then, I forgot about it, until today. So today is the first real post on it. It's a brief bit about how Apple makes really nice programs for Mac OS X, but on Windows these same programs suck. Generally.
Dear Mr Yonashiro, I am a long time reader of your blog (5 minutes), and I was wondering what the deal with google chrome is. I downloaded it for my 4 year old piece of **** Microsoft Media Edition PC that I couldn't bother changing the operating system of because I don't have a External Hard drive to put my things on. When I told my friend this, he punched me in the gut, and told me to "get a REAL web browser" and then poured a thermos of boiling water onto my hands. Is Mozilla really that much better?
Nice blog nemi, I might bookmark it if you post some more stuff there. Your opinion is always... interesting. =D On the other hand, IE for mac was always as slow as ****. Oh wait, so is IE for windows. lol ohh microsoft I guess what I'm saying is that it kinda goes both ways. Oh and what is Microsoft doing with Office on mac? They sell it for tons of money and expect it to win out over iWork, which I actually prefer? Office works decently when I've used it at school, but the price is ridiculous IMO.
Incidentally, I think I know one person in real life that prefers iWork over Office. Office is the de facto standard pretty much everywhere. I've had to convert .odt documents to .doc because I kept getting too many confused people asking me how to open up the report. The thing is, Microsoft makes most of its money off of Windows sales. Office contributes only slightly. They'd have made more money by foricng people to only be able to use the Office Suite on Windows. Instead, since in 1997, Microsoft's been developing Office for Macs. And not like the half-baked port of IE to Mac. They make sure the program works just as well on the Mac as it does Windows, with only a few UI changes to better suit both OS themes. It would work a lot more to their advantage if they just kept Office on Windows. In fact, back in 1997, when Apple was near-failing, this is what saved them. Microsoft put Office on the Mac (also they bought like a $150 million of stock, but that's incidental). If Microsoft hadn't done that, Apple wouldn't exist right now, and they'd have even better profits, and no one would be complaining.
Not to sound like I'm starving for attention or anything, but comments are most definitely appreciated. Critiques and stuff could help me write better articles.