okay guys, these are some teaser pictures for my new map- Infringe. This map has took a lot of time and effort with some very hard geomerges and interlockingz. The map is still in progress and somethings that still need to be done are Spawns Weapons More Aesthetic Features Supporting Gametypes So now sit back and enjoy the pictures _________________________________________________________________ UPDATED PICTURES NOW POSTED. _________________________________________________________________ ^Here is the new view of the tunnel. I added the ledges with the fusion coils. ^Here is the new and improved sniper tower. The bubble shield is now on top and the beam rifle is below. ^This is the "A" Base ^Here is the new and improved "B" Base Here is a new aesthetic touch. The geomerging was a pain. ^I have started blocking off the map. ^Also a new thing, a geomerged single open box with a fence wall and spiker. The map so far is about 75% done. If you have anything that I should change, modify, alter. Just let me know.
Don't listen to Sdrakulich, there is nothing wrong with creating a thread containting teaser pictures of your map. There is no rule saying you cannot, what's wrong is doing it in someone else's thread or making your teaser thread in the maps forum. As for the map, it looks very nice. Forging looks very clean although, I don't know how much more you'll be adding, it looks very open. This may compromise gameplay. I haven't played on it so I don't know for sure, just seems that way from what you're showing us.
So, that means nothing. They aren't all teasers of the same map. Your post helped no body and was an excellent example of Spam. There is nothing wrong with posting teaser pictures of your map.
i know, sorry Really? But I've seen a bunch of people get infracted for it, and say that you will get infracted for advertising... word.. me too.. ON a final note, sorry my bad dark KNight..
Thanks Linu for your post and suggestions. But If you would read the info on my original post. I am saying that the map still has some building to go.
Sdrakulich, do you see a link? It is not advertising. I did read it. I was merely saying it apeared open, but that would be because it's unfinished. I am excited to see how you complete this, it looks to have a lot of potential.
It may just be me (which I think it is) but the lighting seems to be really nice. There's also some nice interlocking going on too. I'm going to assume you're not done though, since it does still seem rather open. One thing I'd do is turn off those teleporters... (it's just not that nice to look at IMO)
Thanks for you your comment and if you read the post. you will see that I still have some building to do.
It looks really good. I really like how you have kept it clean trough out the entire map. One Thing I'm not a fan off is how you have the floating pallets. They really don't produce that nice of game play so I'd avoid that. But for the main part of your map ( The Street ) I really like it. It seems like it would have interesting game play. Just be care full with spawns on it. I had a terrible time getting the spawns right on the street of Underbog. Well keep it up man, the map looks great so far. Keep the this up-dated as I will looking foreword to the map when it comes out.
Thanks B100D F1R3 for your input. So you think I should delete the pallets and maybe replace it with a fence wall or something?
The tunnel and sniper tower look great! My only concern is how dominant that sniper tower is. I would move the sniper spawn to another point in the map, maybe even directly below the tower. Because once someone has that rifle in their hands up there, it looks like they have a good view of nearly the entire map. Or you could place a few fusion coils up there for good measure. As long as it has some way to counter its powering view, it'll be fine.
So maybe move it to another corner of the map? Or maybe I should put 2 sniper so one for each base. Or would that not be a good idea?
are you going to block off the back parts of foundry? or add stuff in there? if you are going to block them off, i probably wouldnt put 2 snipes on the map. moving the sniper to a different location would probably work better. as draw the line said, putting it below the tower would probably work well.
Well said I Like the look of this map I cant wait till it comes out. LOoks like it has major originality to
um turn the tele porters off and if u want u could straighten 4th pic one of the geo mergeers looks off but that could be camera angle... um so from what i can tell looks well forged need something in the tunnel area tho maybe a well place fusion coil or a small stand on the wall... just something... but it looks very good and i anticipate i will be DL it
Ya I am going to block off the back parts of foundry. So your advice is to not put 2 snipes there? Okay. But where do you think i should put the sniper? I dont want to put the sniper to close to one base because then the other team would have the advantage.
Looks awsome, I want map lolz. I like the structures/interlocking/geo and where the guns are now. I like center best though, it awsome...5/5.