Very very true. That is, of course, if we redefine the term "played well" to "showed up and didn't play at all"
Lol! It's the semi-finals and my team may actually have a chance to play! I hope I'm not rusty with all my time spent playing GTA. Anyway, Team Pain Train... TXGhost, Furious and whoever... what times are good for you? I shall go ask my team, and I will post back and let you know what's good for us. See you on the field of battle!
As long as we can find a time over the weekend I can play long as I know far enough in advance.
Rick, our game is going to have to be during the week, or like the middle of the day on Friday. Otherwise I will be MIA.
During the week would be better for me as well. Theres a chance I could be going out of town on Friday for a couple days, so any chance we could get a game goin tonight or tomorrow?
For me: Friday night is a possibility, but I'm not sure. Saturday morning and afternoon are possibilities. Sunday night is a possibility. Draw says he's good for some time this weekend. Ghost? Klink?
LIGHTS, Devinish, Insane: When's good on Friday? Novak says he can't make it until then since he's moving. If all else fails, maybe Monday night (since I haven't been posting the brackets until Tuesday).
Whenever you want Wonder, since I am out of school any time is good for me. Saturday works and so does Sunday, Saturday probably will be best though just so we have the cushion of having Sunday there.
Hmm... 2-4 EST is really early for me, and I still have to do some work sometime. Might have to wait until Monday.
Pain Train vs. Wonderless Team Tonight, at 7 pm Eastern? 3 hours from now? I'll check back here hourly for updates.
Hey Furious. I've been on since 8 tryin to get a game on, but I'm getting no reply. Your team is you, TXGhost, and Draw the Line and someone else correct? Well Draw hasn't been on, I didn't see you on and I've been messaging TXGhost but he hasn't been replying. So I don't know what's going on. And right now, Tesai's about to get off, so even if you guys can get on late tonight, then we still can't play 'cause now I won't have a team. Man, it's hard getting a game together.
Looks like both games have to happen tomorrow, then. I'm declaring the BTB Champions vs Team AESF game to be at 8:00 pm EST on Monday June 15th. we can make it a bit earlier or later, though, depending on people's schedules. Just letting you know.
Sounds good. Lets try to be there earlier for some PRACTICE. i MIGHT not be able to make it, but i highly doubt it, if i cant devinish's roomate is suppositly good at BRing