Ok, cool. I just did a move last weekend, so I know how it goes. I'm pretty much good to go all weekend, as long as we have an actual time set. Looks like we're shooting for Sunday around 5-6 pm from you two.
If I'm not there, Devinish said his roommate is good at BR, I've never seen him play but it would be a good backup. I'll try to make it though.
Damn, I probably won't be able to play tonight. Hopefully some backups can fill in or we can play tomorrow. Anyway, if you play tonight, good luck teammates.
I don't know if I'll be on either....probably not...I'm guessing there isn't any way to postpone this until tomorrow....TXGhost, for the future you should PM us the info on when games are going to be played. I didn't see this until just now.
Sounds like Pain Train vs. Team Xtreme is happening in about 4 hours. 5 Eastern. Reminder for Team XTreme: no elites
Alright, Team AESF vs. 3-Roosters and a Cat is going down (we hope) around 5 pm EST ( a few hours from now). MY wireless network adapter has decided to not recognize my xbox, so I'm going to have to pull some fancy laptop trickery. We'll see if I can actually get online.
Deadline is today right? Well I posted here to organize something with the team we're supposed to be playing, as well as sending a pm to the team leader.... no reply. so I can't seem to get in touch with that team. Another free win for Wonder Winsauce? Wow. We're gonna win this thing without even having to play. LOLZ. Ppl r scaird.
my bad... because of last minute plans i couldnt make it. I guess u guys win but if u want we could still play tmw night.
I'll probably go through winners and bracketing Tuesday morning, so if anyone wants to get a game done before then, feel free. If your team already forfeited and the 'winning' team can't play tomorrow, though, the original forfeit is the one that counts. I think that's fair.
GAh! did we win or lose? I havent been able to get on due to moving, and i wont have internet set up till wednesday. Did Penguin Take over?
No, we didn't see any of you guys online. And we had 3 of our team ready to play. Moving sucks, doesn't it? Unless you guys and 3 from my team can get together today (I'm stuck at work until late), Team AESF has the win.
sorry, I just called for internet service and we wont be able to go online till Wednesday. If you see penguinish though, let him know. Me and Toochie wont be able to make it....*sigh* moving does suck, specially when you get the top floor...
Alright, looks like week 3 is up and ready to go. Has anyone even played a game yet? Lol. Anyway, the official final four are playing in 2 games as follows: Week 3: Game 1: (1) BTB Champions VS (9) Team A.E.S.F. Game 2: (6) Pain Train VS (12) Wonder Winsauce Team rosters are in the O.P. Please get a hold of your opposing team and schedule a game ASAP.