So, like the title says, discussion for all things team fortress 2 can end up here. I was honestly a bit surprised that there wasn't a thread for TF2 already. Feel free to share steam names, talk about the game, set up teams (for MvM), etco. I know that's what I'll be doing. Sooooo. Anybody play Mann vs Machine?
This and Minecraft are the only PC games I play, but I'm currently looking for a Strange Flamethrower, or a Strange Sniper. :c I have all these strange parts I want to use. Now for MvM, I'm not much of a "horde" kind of person.
I play it with the same handle now that I have a capable PC, but MvM is still too broken to mess with right now. I stick to normal for now since so much of it is new to me after coming from vanilla Orange Box on 360.
My Steam handle, as with all PC games for me is 'Spiffy'. I haven't tried MvM yet (waiting to get a group of 6 people; I have 4), but as far as standard TF2 is concerned I play any class that the team needs. I currently prefer Sniper/Soldier/Pyro, but I think all classes are fun to play. My preferences change weekly. I've got a friend who plays a godly Soldier...he plays an average of 3-5 hours a day, and he chews up people on competitive servers. It's crazy.
Looks up TF2 on steam.. sees it's free to play.. downloads and tries it? Edit: I've been interested in the game for a while and figured I'd try it seeing as people here on FH play it.
If I'm on a good computer, I'll usually play Scout. I usually use one loadout, which is: Scattergun Mad Milk Candy Cane. It works wonders against Pyros. Other than that, I usually enjoy playing soldier, Demo, and Spy. But yeah, If a team needs a medic, I'll hop on it. :3
I mostly play engineer because I'm a camping *****. I enjoy been able to kill there entire team because of a precision preplanned placed turret. On one the Dustbowl stages I've held of an entire team on the last capture point myself(well my team helped but I did bulk of killing and didn't die like my team was)for an entire length of a game with maxed turret in front of me with a wrangler and maxed dispenser behind me constantly changing between repairing and shooting. Knocking people back with rockets who where dangerous and killing anyone who wasn't uber'd. (wasnt easy like, Place turret-wait-Win.) I was positioned right about the"control point" sign But I do play soldier and heavy often and sniper with a bow when i feel like having a bit of fun.
I can pyro, heavy, medic and engie the best. I actually just started a series on my YouTube channel playing TF2. If you guys wanna hit me up on steam, I'll definitely play with you guys. My steam is bluejayfan94.
BackBurner-Pyro kicks a metric tonne of ass on Mann Vs Machine.... which is all I'm playing right now lol.
If you haven't realized, Im not at home to look at Skype. Besides, I haven't played much recently so I only have back burner.
my usual curse afflicts me on tf2, I am good with all 9 classes, but am not great with any. Still havent gotten in mvm.
Yeah...Default or Degreaser are my favorites. Flogistinator is just cheap as hell. That airblast is too good to pass up as Pyro. Airblasted rocket kills are oh so satisfying. Degreaser + Axtinguisher (or Postal Pummeler, my favorite) is my favorite combo, with a Reserve Shooter or Detonator.
Exactly, and the Degreaser's weapon switch is great in combat. I'll go ahead and say all the classes and their weapons that I use. Offense Spoiler SCOUT Spoiler Scattergun Mad Milk Candy Cane SOLDIER Spoiler Strange Rocket launcher/ Festive Rocket Launcer. The Concheror/Gunboats/Shotgun(If there are tons of airblasting pyros) The Escape Plan/Market Gardener/Pain train(If we are playing Control Points) PYRO Spoiler Degreaser Detonator Thrid Degree.(To fight off derpy pyro battles) Defense Spoiler DEMO MAN Spoiler Strange Loch 'N' Load Charge 'N' Targe Strange Persian Persuader. HEAVY Spoiler Standard/Brass Beast/ Tomislav Sandvich/Shotgun Fists of Steel/Holiday Punch ENGIE Spoiler Pomison/Frontier Justice Pistol Jag/Festive Wrench/Gunslinger Support Spoiler MEDIC Spoiler Overdose Medigun Vitasaw SNIPER Spoiler Sniper Rifle/ Huntsman (I usually use all of the snipers, depending on what kind of situation I'm in.) Jarate Tribalman's shiv SPY Spoiler Enforcer Sapper (I wanna try the Red Tape Recorder, though.) Strange Festive Knife Cloak and Dagger If you got any questions of why I use what combo of the weapons. Feel free to ask.
Yeah, Its okay. I usually use it whenever there are a bunch of people on a control point. I like to **** off and no-scope though.
I got myself a Strange Bazaar Bargain a while back. Tough to get used to, but you can't go negative with the headshot count, so I can spam for the first one. I find a heavy/medic combo, get 3 free uncharged headshots on the heavy and I can start going to town with a really fast charge. I also got Strange Fists for 2 scrap. My goal is to own Face Melting Fists someday. Also, Cheeze, I'm jealous of the Holiday Punch. I love watching people use it; it's hilarious.
Yeah, everytime I get the chance to taunt kill someone, I always die :C [br][/br]Edited by merge: So use the default flamethrower. Much better. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, does anyone have the flying guillotine?