Actually, swat takes absolutely no skill whatsoever. I probably played 100 swat games so far and have won almost all of them. All you have to do it pre-shot around every corner and you cannot die basically. If you know someone is coming keep shooting and they walk into it. It is pathetic.
I have to say though, its almost impossible to get a Overkill and Extermination, theres usually just three of them and the other one is way off across the map and once you find them you don't get the Overkill.
Either that or a Tripple. Even if there isn't an extermination, I have never played a game that hadn't ended without a single Tripple.
sham93 fyi grunt blood is blue for your sig. i liked playing swat.. with a team of friends. its no fun without friends. lol we were playing a game on highground and we had a group of four but our best player got switched onto the other team because we could only find two others. so 3v3 on highground and we were all just going after our friend and t-bagging him for fun
I would just laugh and say how pathetic at the game they are. Then they really get mad at me in post-game. They already get mad at me for being a 50. Talk smack cause they killed me once, saying they owned me, even though I got them like 7 times.
No, no, no, and no. Become a general, or play with me sometime. The entire game, EVERY game I get bitched at. If I lose to the other team (which IS possible) they **** off to me. I am bound to lose games. It is so annoying. Seriously play with me sometime. Being a 50 sucks.
I wasn't saying it was as bad as when you're a commander, but when you're a commander some admire you but some flame and say I have no life. Never happened when I was a Major or Captain. It's happened allot today, and it's like I play with the same people I've played with as a Major and they go off like that. I sympithize for you being a Commander, it must suck. I think I could play with you on Wednesday?
I see it more from Colonels personally because I hardly ever play with Brigadeer's 45+ but when I do you are right, they think their like five star generals or something... the Generals play with are good, but usually nice.
Well SWAT is great but a few things make it not as good as in halo 2. 1) BR spread... 2) No lockout. 3) Shield doors. 4) SNOWBOUND SNOWBOUND SNOWBOUND.
I confess to this altho me and my mate do it silently..i duno it just seems funny to yell things like "Thank you General!"in a zoidberg type voice when ever he does something that slaughters us,back on topic I was looking forward to the swat hopper and then.... I MISSED IT! Or i cant see it for some reason But i bought rainbow six vegas 2 so i think im good...altho i cant seem to get my head around some bits of that game...anyone know a site or something with handy tips?Cuz frankly the manuels useless
No offence to you or anything but in my opinion most Generals I have played with are smack talking dicks who think they are above everyone because they are good at Halo im not saying this is you or anything but they have created a very bad reputation for Generals. (From my personal experience.)