My problem right now is that I can’t figure out how to get the hogs on my map to only spawn in team games and not in FFA games. I was able to get the ghosts to only spawn in FFA games by choosing FFA_SPAWN. I would’ve imagined that choosing TEAM_SPAWN for the hogs would make them only spawn in team games, but they still spawn in FFA games as well. Anyone know what to do about this?
Do you have Game Specific set to true? Do you have any other game type specified (Slayer would match either FFA or TEAM). If Game Specific is set to true and TEAM_SPAWN is the only game type you selected, and the hogs still spawn for FFA, then I would guess you uncovered a bug. In that case please tell me what game type you are testing with?
Here' how I had it set. Mongoose and Warthog: Spawn Seq. = 0 User Data = 0 Place @ Start = TRUE Game Specific = TRUE Symmetry = BOTH Gametype Label = TEAM_SPAWN Ghost: Same as hog and mongoose except Gametype Label = FFA_SPAWN With the ghost settings, the ghost is omitted in games like CTF, but shows up in (Team) Infinity slayer. I then went on to set the Hog and Mongoose to: Place @ Start = TRUE Game Specific = TRUE Symmetry = SYMMETRIC Gametype Label = NONE This didn't work either. I tried all sorts of combos and was not able to get the hogs to not spawn in FFA games.
i'm so new to this piece-settings thing that I don't know if I should even speak up... but here it goes... I wonder if that FFA_Spawn and Team_Spawn settings are really only for spawning players, not objects. It may try to use a warthog with Team_Spawn as a label to try and spawn players in or around the hog. Instead, you may need to assign a game label for each game type you want it to appear in, and leave out the ones you don't. Trouble is, as I'm sure you are aware, that "Slayer" and many other types can be played with and without teams. it's a tuffy for sure! (Edit: And FWIW, I ended up just doing "Gametype label = Slayer" on the teleporter in Morpheus so that it didn't provide any quick jumps to the enemy base in objective types, but this may not work for what you are planning)
This is all good information. What you told me is that the Mongoose, when set for FFA_SPAWN, spawns for TEAM when playing Inf Slayer, but not when playing CTF. This uncovers a bug in Inf Slayer. What you have not made clear from the information is which game types does the hog fail to not spawn correctly? Slayer? (I assume since you are trying to keep it from spawning for FFA, but I just want to double check you are not trying other game types that support FFA.) One last question, which canvas was this occurring on? Ravine? Impact? Or Erosion? Edited by merge: Not according to CertainAffinity. Also, I am not surprised by this bug. We know for example that there are a number of obscure bugs in the Reach engine (which the Halo 4 engine evolved from). You can see a list of known bugs, one including KOTH and Territories disrespect Anti Respawn Zones (they are ignored by those game types, I suspect they simply never get spawned onto the map really). It may be that Inf. Slayer simply doesn't check for TEAM or FFA game type labels. It is a new game type and it may be that it was not thoroughly tested for all cases like spawning vehicles... that would be my guess. The next time I get on XBOX I will do a little testing to verify this assumption.
I just received this reply from Certain Affinity. "Hi Lee, we also tried to create the type of map you are wanting and ran into the same problems. It appears to be broken; this issue will be passed along to the proper recipients."