News Team Snipers Update: The Ark and Opticon

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Fated Fire, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. The Fated Fire

    The Fated Fire Promethean
    Cartographer Forge Critic

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    Team Snipers Update: The Ark and Opticon

    This coming Monday, The Ark (by yours truly) and Opticon (by SaItykoalabear) will enter the Team Snipers playlist alongside Pitfall and several new snipers gametypes. Check out and download the final builds of both forge maps below. The standard option links to the variant optimized for standard gametypes (Slayer, Extraction, KotH, etc.) and the Team Snipers option links to the variant optimized for Team Snipers (all initial ordinance, weapons, and grenades removed).



    The Ark

    Forged by The Fated Fire
    Player Count: 4-8
    Standard variant:
    File Browser Halo Official Site
    Team Snipers variant: File Browser Halo Official Site

    The Ark is an asymmetrical map designed for Slayer, 1-Site Extraction, and King of the Hill. The primary design goal was to create an open asymmetrical terrain map that had several unique landmarks which would lead to the development of unconventional callouts. The diverse selection of sight lines and rotating power positions creates an environment suited for strong team play and strong individual play. In Team Snipers, expect non-stop cross map sniper battles and a constant concern for your safety.







    Forged by SaItykoalabear
    Player Count: 4-8
    Standard variant:
    File Browser Halo Official Site
    Team Snipers variant: File Browser Halo Official Site

    Opticon is a symmetrical arena designed with a strong focus on top-mid control. This beast has been one of my favorite forge maps since Salty built it several months ago, and it is very awesome that the map is finally headed into matchmaking. The curving pathway from each team spawn leads to the neutrally located lift and the center of most action on the map. In Team Snipers, expect a constant struggle to secure the various lines of sight that cut through the middle structure, and always watch your flank.





    #1 The Fated Fire, Sep 27, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2013
    Indie Anthias and a Chunk like this.
  2. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm personally happy to see some new maps added to Snipers, and particularly happy that they're not ginormous and open.
  3. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Opticon is so...fu**in' clean. :D
    Astiir likes this.
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Good stuff. I really liked Ark. Was slightly more iffy on Opticon, but the platforms I wasn't a fan of appear to be gone. The floor is still all flat though :(
  5. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Salty finally got a map into MM?! I remember him showing me Opticon months ago and he said it was his only un-modded map. Good for him. Good for you too, Fated.

    Congrats to both you guys. Will definitely hit up Team Snipes.
  6. DebonairHalo

    DebonairHalo Promethean

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    The Ark has a really strong personality, but Opticon...hmm. It's a decent map but I can't find on it the special feeling that some forge maps give me (and the floor is too flat IMO).

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