A new favorite among the good people here at thewestwalker & friends, these maps are meant to be played with this gametype: Team Gladiator. It works like this: you divide into two teams and each team spawns in a room full of weapons. Each person picks a few weapons of choice, and after 30 seconds the exit teleport becomes unblocked. Both teams charge into the arena for a reckless and tactical fight to the death. Damage resistance is cranked up to 300% and shield regeneration is dropped to 50% to allow for longer fights and to require teams to employ more strategy. The game is elimination, one life per person. Last team with men standing wins the round, 3 rounds per game. See a video of this gametype being played: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgQ92xq5P30 The Gametype: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17043985 The Arenas: Coliseum: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17044006 Blade's Edge: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17043999 Tremor: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17119077 Ignition: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17201572 Gametype for use on halo3.thewestwalker.net. Tournament ladders coming soon, prepare yourselves!
This is not ONE map. I'm not sure if this is against any FH rules but you should probably post each map individually. Just a tip.
I don't think it's against the rules to post all at once, because individual posts of these would be too repetitive. Ans Sharpshooter, try not to double-post. Just click the Edit button for that kind of stuff
wow coliseum and blades edge r sick. the other two were ok but coliseum will stay on my HD forever...
Looks sweet fomr the video,will DL tomorow and try and get a custom going. My only thoughts might be take out the sparten laser and human rockets. I think they might be a little too one shot kill even with 300% shields. Other than that the maps themselves look sweet and i think i may even try my own hand at a map for this gametype
I thought about this, but decided since all the maps are relatively similar it'd be nice to keep them all together and keep from clogging the forum with 4 posts that are virtually the same. Even if there was a rule this would likely be an exception. I don't think the rockets are on any map, but the Fuel Rod Cannon is. It works pretty nicely because it's a quick kill but you have to make a decent number of shots in a row to pull it off. The Spartan Laser was a problem that I considered. It's a one-shot-no-shields weapon with this variant, save for a few strange occurences where it led to a one-shot kill. Originally I had the Plasma Pistol in, which limited the range on such an ability, but seemed to make it too easy to get a kill close-range. It mostly just shut down all close-range combat. I swapped it out with the laser, which made long-range kills easier, but allowed close-range to be competetive. I tried to make the maps cater a little to the close-range weapons, allowing some quick paths across the map to close space between you and your enemies. This was the entire idea behind the custom powerup (5 seconds of 200% speed). So while the Spartan Laser is extremely powerful, good teamwork and strategy can completely remove it from competition. I'm not completely confident in my decision, though, and might do some testing later on to see how things turn out with other weapons. I've tried to vary weapon selection a bit from map to map, so future maps might not have one. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Oh, and as a bit of a shameless plug, I've been spending the past few weeks writing new code for my website, which will allow for things like automated tournament ladders. This gametype is one of the playlists that'll be included, and the update is almost finished. Sometime in the near future you'll be able to play against other teams and compete for the top spot with this gametype. Get a team together and get some practice in.
thats cool that ur making more...after playing it some more im starting to like ignition alot. i think it needs a sniper though... EDIT: do u know how to interlock? maybe u should interlock some bridges and boxes to smooth it out more in future maps...or even a v2 of these ones...
Yes, I do, but I learned after making these maps. I'm a much stronger forger now, so future maps will likely be much better. v2 is definitely a possibility. In fact it's pretty likely to happen before they get used in the tournament ladders.
Yeah, your fine on the more than one map thing, though a renaming might make it more obvious. Anyway, if the vid is youtube, embed it. And I know you're adding pictures soon, but do try and have them ready when you post. I understand why you didn't wait though.
Hmm, how do you embed youtube videos? Screenshots posted, btw. EDIT: Nevermind, they randomly got removed.