This is a amazing picture I took recently and everyone thinks its amazing. Download link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Do you like it? Picture:
other than the fact that i've seen the barrel of a sniper thing like 100000000000000000000000000000000x before, it's a decent picture. 4/5
Seriously, this screenshot is wonderful! It is bright around the spartans, but the spartans are not too bright and seem very ... real. The left Spartan looks a bit sideways so he comes more to the front, and the right one aims straight at the camera. This pic is a 6/5! Congratulations!
no we werre just messing around with weapons on avalanche and a energy blocker is behind us and I thought it looked awsome so I took the picture and here it is
Wow man this is an epic pic. You should put this into your sig. Ill Make it for you soon if you want me to.
This is insane. I love the how the background is bright and the spartan is looking at the camera. The other spartan looking away makes it seem more real.
A simple gravity hammer effect with an amazing angle, I must say I'm really impressed. None of my pictures are anywhere near this good!
That looks really good. The grav hammer makes the spartans look more detailed. It looks like a really cool effect. The weapons, armor, and colors look really nice too. Good job on the shot.
Very nice, epic duo of epicness. It's definetly a duo that you don't want to run into. Grav hammers seem to be used alot but they always make for a cool screenshot.
Damn thats cool... I love the metallic glow the spartans have. I really like any picture with that all white background, too. Amazing shot, 5/5