Teach your kids to break rules.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by redearth, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    This reporter believes it's good for kids to break some rules.

    Teach Your Kids to Break the Rules - Family & Parenting - Your Life - MSN Lifestyle

    I say #1 is a bunch of crap. I may be a kid, and I may not be a parent (thank God), but I can say that he is making a general assumption that you're going to have a better job surviving the world if you bring your own food to the movies. If you want to not pay so much, wait for the DVD, eat before or after, or just don't eat. It's not that difficult to follow that simple rule. I understand why people break it, but that doesn't really concern me.

    Number 2, question your teachers, booyah. I think he hit it right on the money.

    Number 4, Run outside into some mountains and pee in the woods. I didn't know it was illegal to go to the bathroom on a tree when the nearest portapotty is over a mile away. I'll remember to hold it in next time.

    What are your views?
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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  3. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Seems to me the guy just spat out the article for the sake of writing it. He needed material, so he pulled this thing out of his ass. I can think of far better ways to teach your kids how to 'survive' in the world.

    Number one actually does make some sense- he's giving an example of a situation in which it's acceptable to bend the rules a bit to save money. I think what he's trying to say here is that parents need to teach their kids methods of being frugal at all things- there's always a way to spend less money, and it's quite often legal.

    Number two is blatantly obvious- if your child doesn't learn how to question authority figures, will they ever really think for themselves? Number three is in the same vein as two- it's simply common social etiquitte.

    After three, he seems to run out of things to say, and just spouts utter nonsense.

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