Sorry I got this out so late. Please be available at 5-8 PST on Tuesday if you are going to sign up. I will have an easier time giving feedback and getting the matches started if you list the map you want to test along with your gamertag. 1.Hardcor3 H3ro-Deity 2.Chronmeister-? 3.Xandrith-Bastille 4.Overdoz1z-Adytum 5.Juanez Sanchez Backup 1. SloppyBottom 2.Nyoxide 3.Debo37-Hogwash
Man, it's been a while since I've seen TCOJ on here. Shout-out to Nutduster. I'd be up for testing my map Adytum. GT is Overdoz1z.
Hey I just signed up here so I could try to get some feedback on a map I'm working on. Would love to run a couple 4v4 games on it tonight, feel free to invite me to help test. GT: Nyoxide Edit: I will be available Tuesday as well
Nice, I am on the list!! My maps name is Deity, and I hope you won't be needing the version number because I am on a new one 2-3 times a day, I'll just make sure that my highest version number is ready to be played and is in my bookmarks.
Hi, if you need additional testers I'd love to help. I don't have a map right now. Add me in the case you don't have enough people.
Do you do lobbies on a different night or is it always Tuesdays? I would love to help test maps and have some of mine tested, but I'm most likely going to be busy every Tuesday night.
I only picked Teusday because that is the day the lobby has always been on. I am willing to change the day if everyone wants, but it seems to be working for the majority right now. I may set up a second weekend lobby eventually, but for now, if you really want to set one up, try doing it at It should be pretty easy to get players to sign up with all the new traffic.
Hello all. Count me in, i have something ready. Also, i think i would prefer a weekend testing session from now on, i am sick of getting up half dead on a weds morning after 4 hours sleep
Good to see you back bro. Its been a long time. I cant wait to see what youve been working on. We will talk about switching the time this Tuesday. It sounds like it will work out.
Dibs on a spot, would love to give my early massout version of Hogwash a proper 4v4 playtest. GT is Debo37.
Have you considered streaming this on Twitch Chronmeister? I wish there was a popular Twitch channel that just streamed custom games on forge maps all the time.
@Chronmeister can you switch me to a backup/alternate? Have to do some driving in rush hour traffic and might be an hour or so late.
While not for the same reasons I can no longer do weekdays. Weekends are really the only time I can play as well.
Had a good time. Thanks for carrying me. I'd like to leave feedback for everyone. If you have a map that was tested it would be really helpful to me if you posted a link to the map thread here. Thanks!
Unfortunately I don't have a map thread for my map yet, I am determined to have actual gameplay screenshots/film-clips which I still need to obtain, thx to 343i's terrible theatre mode not including custom games in the recent films list -__-