Hello all, this is the Signup thread for the TCOJ lobby of Tuesday 23/7/2013. Do you like fun and competitive testing lobbies with great, grown-up feedback? This lobby is for you then!!! We aim for 8-10 players, and pass the lead after each game in order of the sign-ups. We also usually get two rotations of the lobby or two games on your map. We like to playtest anything, just as long as its fun, with a focus on competitive gametypes and maps. If you want to playtest your maps or just play some great customs, then leave a message below with your GT if I don't know ya, and I will add you to the rota. My GT is Juanez Sanchez, so add me if you like. The Lobby will begin at 12am GMT, 7pm EST. I will invite players online to the lobby 15 mins before. The traditional recap thread posted the next day is now no longer the best or only place to leave feedback for the maps you played. Henceforth all forgers are firmly encouraged to create a simple Preview Thread Like This One so that ideas, criticism and feedback can be kept in better order and be better used. I will still put a recap thread up of some kind though. We will play it by ear. HOST: JUANEZ SANCHEZ, CO-HOST: AnotherClaymore 1. Audience 2. Juanez Sanchez (moi) 3. Claymore 4.Nakala 5.xive magicz 6.maximus IL 7. Skylor 8. Reserves 1.chronmeister 2. 3. 4. 5. C'Mon, sign up. It's freakin' awesome!
I'm probably not going to be there. We're in crunch time now, moving in the next two weeks, so this weekend will probably be the last of me being on my XBox for more than a few minutes, until after we get settled in the new place.
Can you guys bring my map? I can't attend because I'm in college during Tuesdays but it'd be nice if my map gets tested. Been working on it for two months and barely got any feedback. Map thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-standard-maps/146298-novus.html Map link: File Browser Halo Official Site
i wanna test a new map along with another match on Infernal. I might be a little late so put me on the reserves, but 4:30 PST at the latest
All added etc. Depending on who actually shows up we might run a 2v2 lobby, i will run your map sometime in the mix Zandril.
Absolutely. All are welcome to come play, maps aren't needed. If your new to the group, make sure to send XBL GamerTAG: Juanez Sanchez a message right before the lobby opens tomorrow night. cya online.
I would like to try this, too . . . but the problem is I wouldn't be able to make it until about 10 pm EST. I'm not sure how long you guys play for. Also, I don't play very well. The positive side of that is that I will be useful for testing respawns.
Last time I was in we stopped before 10. But if you can make it in time, don't worry about being bad at the game. I'm pretty awful as well.
@audience: you're not bad, you are a little rusty I signed you other guys up, so if you don't have anything to test we can play something you like or skip over you.
Has anyone read the "Preview and Testing Section Rules" ? I would like to know how this guy thinks he can tell us how to run a game testing lobby? and how he plans on inforcing these comepletely rediculous "rules" were suppost to follow for OUR testing lobby that he has absolutely no part of?? Just wondering...