All submissions for the 7x7 contest should be posted here. The deadline for submissions is midnight EST, Feb 28th midnight EST, Saturday March 3. For submissions, please provide the following information in this format (copy & paste) plus one representative, unedited (i.e. no Photoshop) screenshot (optional): Map name: Author name: Download link: Preferred gametype: -- Notes: For author name, please supply Forge Hub user name as well as gamertag (if different from the former). The Download Link should be the direct link to the map file in your file share. Please leave this map in your fileshare until the judging period begins on March 1 - all maps will be downloaded by us on February 29th. If you make revisions to your map during the submission period, re-upload the file and edit your post here to direct to the new file prior to Feb 29th. For Preferred Gametype, this should be a standard, generic competitive gametype, e.g. multi-flag CTF, team slayer, one flag, neutral bomb, team or FFA crazy king, team or FFA oddball etc. Do not link to a gametype - we will be using standard title update gametypes currently used in matchmaking, or close variations thereof. Your map will likely be tested using both your preferred gametype and team slayer. Contest rules, judging criteria and an FAQ can still be found in the TCOJ 7x7 Contest Announcement & Discussion thread. Update: We're extending the submission deadline until the end of this week - that would be Saturday, March 3, midnight(-ish). I'm happy we got so many last-minute submissions, but I know a few other people could finish a map given a little more time, and I'd like to give it to them. This also means that if you've already submitted, you have a few more days to test and refine your map, if you wish. If you do make changes, just upload the new version to your fileshare, delete the old one, and edit your post in this thread to point to the correct new file.
Map name: Corrupt Author name: bullet2thehead9 (GT bullet2thehead9) Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred gametype: Team slayer (DMR PRIMARY)
I admire your restraint in not yelling "FIRST!" Hopefully we'll see a lot more submissions rolling in this week, as it's the last one for submissions! I've heard from several people that are building something (or already have).
Don't chew me out for not posting the map here but mine is nearly finished! Call this a placeholder if you will, or spam if you won't? But it's a 4v4 competitive and it looks pretty good I reckon. I need to get some tests and some feedback before I dump it in here though.
Map Name: Worthy Author Name: xzamplez (The Xzample) Download Link: Xzample Preferred Gametype: Team Slayer (TU DMR)
Map name: Endeavor Author name: xAudienceofone Download link: click here Preferred gametype: Team Slayer, preferably TU and with no armor abilities.
Map name: Marigold. Author name: Resix (B Resix) Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred gametype: One flag CTF. Wish I could get some people to play test this with me. Got spawns working how i want them so its pretty good so far.
Reminder: today is the last official day for submissions, with the deadline coming at midnight Eastern Standard Time. So far we have four entries, which is a good start but not nearly as many as we're looking for. Hopefully a lot of you are spending as much time as possible buffing and shining your entry - but if we don't get enough entries by the end of today, the deadline may have to be pushed back to allow a few more to sneak in. (For anyone that has submitted already, this will give you extra time to polish your map if you like - just edit the download link in your post if you upload a new version.) I will post again in this thread tomorrow to fill you in. However, I'd strongly encourage anyone reading this to view TODAY as the deadline, and get your entry in.
Map name: Forty nine v2 Author name: Juanez Sanchez Download link: Linkiest link evaaar Preferred gametype: a) TU Team KOTH, b) TU Multiflag CTF Just thought I'd add a couple more pics of a game of KOTH. Koth works well BTW.
Map Name: Noble Author Name: AceOfSpades Download Link: : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred Gametype: King of the Hill
Map name: Quarter Author name: Thefightdude Download link: : Reach : Player File Sets Preferred gametype: Slayer, Capture the Flag Map name: Diamond Author name: Thefightdude Download link: : Reach : Player File Sets Preferred gametype: Slayer, Capture the Flag
Map name: Restoration Author name: thefro3po Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred gametype: TU Slayer DMRs/Zero Bloom Slayer DMRs
Map Name: Petechia Author: PurexXxChicken and czarinabox Download Link: Version Q Preferred Gametype: TU BTB Slayer
Ok, here it is. A bit late, hope not too late. Map name: Devil's Strait Author: LBS (on forgehub) or Lil Blue Spider (on live) Download link: here Preferred gametype: CTF, preferably with DMR's
Update: We're extending the submission deadline until the end of this week - that would be Saturday, March 3, midnight(-ish). I'm happy we got so many last-minute submissions, but I know a few other people could finish a map given a little more time, and I'd like to give it to them. This also means that if you've already submitted, you have a few more days to test and refine your map, if you wish. If you do make changes, just upload the new version to your fileshare, delete the old one, and edit your post in this thread to point to the correct new file.
Map name: Fort E9 (Aren't I clever) Author name: Katanga Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details Preferred gametype: Slayer DMRs Pretty lame but it's an entry.