Excellent! Glad to have ensnared you, Mr. O'Fone. I figured it would be challenging, more so than people realize - no more patching up little holes or adding aesthetic gracenotes to your maps with weird objects you don't usually use. You'll have to really plan well to build something good. (Or just make walls out of crates. Yay, crates!) ^ That. Also should mention something that perhaps doesn't need to be said: we'll be doing a "Delete All" test on every submitted map in forge before we even play it. What that means is we note the seven objects (or fewer) that you seem to have used. We grab one of each and do Delete All. Then we open up each structure category and see if there's anything left (or, y'know, just look around and see if there's anything still standing). If there is, and it's not one of your seven objects with a weird gametype label or something, a DQ is coming your way. And I don't mean a cool, delicious Oreo Blizzard.
Well, came up with an idea for a map that I could make for this. Hard to resist... Might have to put my other crap on hold for a bit. :O
I've got a good map going as well. The reall killer is using decoratives. They eat up budget like a shark on beach day.
Forged a map like a pro in one sitting for this today. Mai pieces used: Block 2x4, Bunker Box, Platform XXL, Strut, Coliseum Wall, Ramp Bridge Medium, and Rock Arch.
Well you got it from me now. My entire day has been spent forging and with no positive progress. Im gonna look back at some of my older maps- I think I am a bit out of practice, especially with 4v4s. I hate you a bit too. okay, I forgive you. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Sorry if this was asked, but may we use grids? for aesthetics.
Bunker boxes seem to be the only useful item in the buildings list. I've resorted to: 3x3 short Med. Bridge Bunker Box Brace, Large Double Wall Ramp XL Rock Arch And I actually got the map to $7000 budget back when I was conserving. Hardcore.
It makes me happy that a couple people ALREADY have maps built. You guys are amazing. xAudience - no grids. Grids are for wimps.
Same answer I gave to Schnitzel earlier: it kind of goes against the spirit of the contest, but we have no way to enforce it, so just use your own judgment. The only thing I really would strongly prefer is for people to not submit maps they already released on this site in the competitive maps forum. I don't know that we'll be checking on that or DQing anyone for it, but I would just ask that people don't do it. The idea of the contest is to inspire new forging.
That seems fair, i guess it would be cheating in a way. Ill make a map from start. This really suits me as when i forge i limit myself to only 5 different peices until the core of the map is done in order to keep a clean and clear look. Having 7 is going to be like winning the lottery lol
May I just say, you are way more disciplined than me! I always start out wanting to do that (and it's where the whole idea for this contest came from) but the way I forge, I dream up these bizarre map shapes and end up with lots of little areas that can only be made properly by using different pieces. The map I'm working on right now is probably my most streamlined in terms of object selection, but it still uses probably at least 20 or 25 different structure objects. One reason I found this contest idea interesting is because I don't know if I could ever make myself forge that way.
I am so in on this. I don't know how but being restricted to 7 structure pieces has my mind coming up with a lot of ideas. >=)
Yessir. EDIT - Original post updated with prize and judging info, take a look. We're just days away from opening the submission thread and watching the first tumbleweeds blow through it.
somehow severely limiting my objects made me forge a nicer aesthetic map. Too bad the layout might suffer. Edit: I actually have a question (before reading the OP again). Does the required budget include weapons and grenades? I finished my map with 3010.