
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MusicalSoul, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. MusicalSoul

    MusicalSoul Ancient
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    Map Title: Tartarus
    The Pit of Judgement

    Download Map
    Download Team Slayer Gametype
    Download Infection Gametype
    Download Assault Gametype

    Description: This map is very well built, very clean with little flaws. The large tower is where the humans spawn, with very strategically placed spawn points. It has four floors, each one is very different from the other, and they are all connected with teleports that lead room to room, with the final destination being the roof. The tower is camp proof, because of the fact that someone who enters the bottom floor can look straight up and attack anyone on the floors above, making it fairly easy to pick off campers. The tower is very well defended, and in the test matches, has only been successfully broken into 3 times. The other base, the caverns, are similar to the tower, however they lack on defences, being more wide open than the tower is. They have two supply rooms, each with a plasma cannon and stock of weapons and equipment. The Supply rooms lead to the hallways, which have weapon stocks aswell. There are two more Plasma Cannons on the bridges or "Cliffs", above each entrance to the cavern, which are accesible by the provided teleporters. This base is poorly defended, with scattered dumpsters and easy access. Both teams have very effective sniping positions, and fairly effective turret coverage. The bases both have their weaknesses, and if you figure them out, you should exploit them as effectivley as possible. There is a large supply of weaponry in each base, making sure that there is plenty of choice on weapons, and also that people dont run out of ammo.

    Teamwork is very, very important in this level. If you run off on your own and run through the area in between the bases, you will be chewed to peices by snipers and turrets. You need some people who will be able to clear your path by sniping or distracting the people on the other side. But this doesnt mean you should camp on your side for the whole match, because it becomes very boring that way. You should switch up people who are on support, assault, defence, etc. to make the best of how this map is played. We tested this map over and over and over and started to notice how easy we died when we didnt work together. Depending on the gametype you choose, this can be a very competetive map, or a laid back fun fest. Overall, I believe this is my best, most professionally built map, and im very proud of it. Theres a story to go along with the map and gametypes, feel free to read them when you download them. When you play this map, try to get as big of a group as possible, because it gets very boring when any less than 12 people are playing.



    Feel free to give me any advice or constructive criticism, it would really help.
  2. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    I need a larger description, pictures that show the overall map, not players, and don't put wide open space on your map. It makes the gameplay boring.
  3. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    looks like fun. maybe a little more cover in the middle.
  4. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    This is probably the best first post i've seen. So many people don't embed pics, and even though they aren't great pics, you took the time to take them. Unfortunately since you r the only one in the pics, it looks like you haven't tested this. Thats not a huge issue, but it really ism't that hard to get people to play it so it'd be a good idea to do that soon and replace the current pics with ones from test games. The actual layout definatley looks neat and well built so you should be proud of it. I agree with others that you should space out the dumpsters a little.
  5. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    You crowd the objects all in one spot when you should spread cover around the map. All I see is bunched up dumpsters, which makes the map quite boring. Try and widen the range of cover and don't leave empty space in the map unless the map isn't competitive/casual. Example: For infection maps, most of the time there is only one base, so there is no need to cover up the rest of the map.
  6. RioT 17

    RioT 17 Ancient
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    Have you tested this maps with friends? This map has a nice concept but might need changes that will need attending to after some tests.
  7. MusicalSoul

    MusicalSoul Ancient
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    Ok, I see where I have made some problems, thanks for pointing those things out people.

    Edit: Ok, the dumpsters are placed better than they were before. Im gonna go ahead and save the level, and find a group to test run the game.
  8. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.1 (Revised)

    I can see how the map is challenging the infiltrating players, and I know there is active camo, but I still think that the weapon placement should be a bit more balanced. Make sure to give the defenders at the base a slight advantage, but no leave the attackers with no weapons so when they enter the base they stand a chance. Good work though and I bet this would be a lot of fun for Assault.
  9. MusicalSoul

    MusicalSoul Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.1 (Revised)

    Mhm, I was going to work on a One Bomb Assault Variant for this map. Yeah, the Tower is pretty powerful, but the Attacking side also has the equipment they can use to basically dumbfound the people in the tower and sneak inside. They have the Camo, plus the Radar Jammers and the Flares. Combine all this with teamwork and getting into the tower would be no problem. And of course, theres the mancannons you can use. I think ill try messing around with the weapon placement a bit.
  10. D00dle14

    D00dle14 Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.1 (Revised)

    try to do some more stuff in the middle of the map, then it will be lots better. maybe just a little tower or sometin
  11. MusicalSoul

    MusicalSoul Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.1 (Revised)

    I think the assorted dumpsters for cover is pretty good. The map seems to be working better now, I just need to test the new Assault gametype with the map.

    Edit: Also got some better pictures of the map.
  12. FangTheFirst

    FangTheFirst Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.2 (Revised)

    Hmm.. Ive been looking around and this map seems interesting. I like how you built the tower, it looks solid from the screenshots. I bet the gameplay on this map would go smoothly, although I cant really find that out yet because my xbox account was cancelled. When I get a new live account im definately going to download this and try it out with my friends. I say good work.
  13. marquis madness

    marquis madness Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.2 (Revised)

    try switching dumpstres for shield doors, trucks, other cover
    not bad, but the hiding spots are too many and the large open space is wayy to vulnerable
  14. MusicalSoul

    MusicalSoul Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.2 (Revised)

    Sheild doors were my first idea of what to put on the map, but I put the dumpsters instead of sheild doors so that if you hide behind them, someone could effectively get a grenade behind it. Sheild doors would block that chance, making it a little too easy for them to camp and get to the tower. And the middle is supposed to be very vulnerable, so people dont wander out on their own. It is basically to force them to use their teamwork.

    Thanks for the advice.
  15. FangTheFirst

    FangTheFirst Ancient
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    Re: Tartarus 1.2 (Revised)

    So I took a look at this map on my brother's Live account. I have to say that the map is very well made. I like the idea and the overall layout of the map, but I was not able to get a complete match going, so I'll have to save the gameplay review for later. I do think the weapon placement is a bit unbalanced, but I don't know if that was your purpose or not. Well done. :squirrel_rocking:
  16. MusicalSoul

    MusicalSoul Ancient
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    Yeah your right, the weapon placement is meant to be a bit unbalanced. I'm glad you liked the map. Thanks for the tips.

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