Tarantula Tower v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. RedEcho

    RedEcho Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    nice map man good job

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    lookin forward to it homie.

    P.S. Thus I Refute Thee to the 'ship!
  3. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    I was extremely impressed with this when I walked around it (as with many other maps I've downloaded recently, I've not been able to play any games on them so this is entirely from a Forgethrough perspective). I couldn't see what you meant with the sword, though?

    There was just one small thing... About 30 seconds after loading the map up, I got stuck! Well and truely, can't even suicide, honest to goodness stuck in the map. It happened at the grav-lift that boosts you up to the needler. I dropped down on the other side, turned around and walked to the plasma pistol. I then looked up and saw a small hole.

    "Oooh," thinks I, "a sneaky bolt hole?" So, being the curious sort of idiot I am, I jumped up, got caught on the grav-lift and boosted into a tiny triangle between the boxes and there, alas and alack, I got stuck.

    I took a screenshot which is in my service gallery here. I don't know if this hole is accidental or intentional, but I found it lol.

    Anyway, I then ended the game and loaded it up again and this time I didn't jump up into that hole and was therefore suitably impressed with what I saw.

    4/5, but only because I haven't played on it and because I got stuck. :p

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    haha you fell victim to the spider-web i referred to in my original post. it wasnt orriginally planned, but once i stumbled across it, i decided to keep it. P.S. you arent really stuck, you can shoot the grav lift and destroy it, releasing yourself. Thats why i don't have instant respawn lifts, for that purpose alone.

    Thanks for the feedback! Im actually glad to know someone finally fell victim to the web haha.

    and about the sword... you didnt notice when you wlak directly under it pretty slowly that the 2 points of the sword separate and spread out around your head while you walk through it? i dunno i thought it was pretty cool. it was like the sword knew i was there and didnt want to hurt me lol
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    I totally got stuck there, too, but shot out the grav lift like you said. Nice call making it a 'spider's web'.

    I did spend some time staring at the sword; very cool on a hi-def plasma screen. Something else weird happened when I was tooling around. When I was in monitor mode, I was at the back of Foundry and when I was looking at your map, all of the objects started doing this crazy strobe-effect. I thought, "What a weird time to have a flashback", but came back to the same spot later and it did the exact same thing. It's only done it on your map, as I quickly tested out some other Foundry maps to make sure I didn't need to go to rehab or anything. Very strange.

    Back on topic, the layout of this map is very cool. You obviously spent loads of time on it and it shows. I may have to steal the rounded stairs concept; with the walls merged in with them makes this by far my favorite feature. I'll let you know how the Spider Flag goes once I play a proper game here.
  6. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Re: Tarantula Tower

    This map looks awesome. I'm realy impressed with the interlocking and organization. It has it's own contouring and everything. IfI like the way this plays I'm going to recomend it to be featured.

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Squid, the strobe effect is weird, huh? It does it for me also... but my map's not the only one, ive seen it on a couple others as well. But i is pretty rare. I think i solved the riddle too. I think it has something to do with the combination of the sheer number of object placed and the fact that they are all interlocked. i've only seen this happen on elaborate maps that have a TON of stuff on them. The Tarantula Tower up right now is at its object limit (i realized a couple days ago that i can delete excess objects that i wont ever use outside of the map and it frees up much more space. Since I have some free time today, I'm going to update the map. This includes both deleting excess objects outside the map, along with making the map impossible to get out of (which is an easy fix), and probably adding a couple more spawn points for the attack and another spawn area. I have a hunch that once i delete the excess objects, it won't strobe anymore..but i could be way off. It only does it in monitor mode though and only from that one area (coincidence that its viewing the most interlocked that it could be? im thinkin no). I wish i could remember which map other map it was that i saw that on... the spot it did the strobing (doesnt that sound like a dirty word, strobing) was looking at a huge wall of probably all the double boxes merged together, blocking off one side of foundry. If i can remember which map it is, ill let ya know, but i definitely got it from FH.

    at least i know im not just crazy about the sword thing, i thought it was kinda cool cause id never seen it before. you'd never notice it in actual gameplay though, which is why it impresses me even more i think. great attention to detail bungie

    Wow thanks. Featured maps are always top-notch. I feel like Id be that rookie (Adrian Peterson, perhaps) that quietly just broke an NFL HOF'ers record and is being interviewed right after the game...cue the "Im just honored to be mentioned in the same breath as those guys" speech. That'd be awesome to be featured, but to be honest i feel there's been some more deserving maps that got passed up (see Runway, for a start). I definitely wouldnt turn it down though haha!

    I am about to do a quick update tho, it shouldnt affect regular gameplay, however. just sealing off a couple tiny parts where its possible to jump out back at the attacking side, and some minor aesthetic aspects.

    it should be posted within a couple hours
  8. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    I finally got a game up on this map yesterday night. Not the intended spider flag, but a 2 v 2 v 2 slayer game.

    I liked it. It played pretty smoothly and was mildly intense. All the action tended to happen down at the bottom end, which kind of takes away from it, since all the cool geometry is at the top end.

    As far as the build quality, I thought the layout was great. The floors could use a bit of work around the curvy areas. I know you've probably spent more time than you'd like to have on these parts already, but I know they could be a bit smoother. I'm a jumpy player, so the mild (very mild) jaggedness didn't ruin the gameplay too much (read as: at all) for me.

    There's a really easy spot at the top to jump out of the map, too... not even a grenade jump... just a regular one. You might want a teleporter outside that'll take you back in. I didn't see any way back in... but I didn't search too hard... mostly just killed myself to respawn.

    Overall, though, great map. It plays nice, and I love the sword area. If you could smooth out the curves just a touch, I'd be happy as a clam eating a spider... or maybe happier.

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    Version 2 is up... see original post for details. part of it being that it is now impossible to get out of the map.

    When referring to the smoothness of the curvy floors, did you mean the doors i used as part of the path to the middle D level form the field? youre right, i probably spent near an hour just trying to get that part right...and yeh its still not perfect. its frustrating because im low on building materials. i thought a sign could remedy it, but opted against it cause i thought it would take away from the alien feel of it (a big letter B or A, plus it would mess up the color scheme. ill look into smoothing it out a bit more in the future
  10. BANDiT

    BANDiT Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Very good and original design.
    Plays nicely. -8/10

    As you've said before, the spider web...
    I've fallen victim to it 2 times in 1 game =[ pretty neat though.
    There are ways out of your map,
    but I'm sure your in the process of fixing it?

    My favorite part of the map was the lower level. (Bottom middle)
    it's complex and smooth with nicely placed weapons.
    Very nice merging too!

    Overall, I enjoyed it... it's a keeper. =D
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    there are no more ways out of the map with the current version to the best of my knowledge. i patched them up
  12. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I love the original layout, I could just imagine this being a covenant map with all of the twists and turns everywhere. Nice work.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Thats exactly what I was going for, so thanks!

    Version 2 is now up, patched up the map exits, added more spawns/respawn areas, a power drain, and some sound effects!
  14. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I really liked this map as far as originality goes. There was only one thing that bugged me. There are symetric hallways on both sides of the map and they are far too thin, at first glance it almost looked like you couldn't go through them. And I also spawned outside of the map? :squirrel_eyebrow:
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Thanks for the feedback!
    Ive been told that a couple times now about those upper hallway connections... im looking into moving each of those outer fence boxes towards each other a slight bit, making the paths a little wider.

    As for spawning outside the map... there are no spawn points, respawn areas, or starting points outside of the map... so im pretty sure thats not possible. are you trippin homie?
  16. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Wow this looks really good. The interlocking is insane. I checked it out in forge but I havent played a game on it yet I hoping to get a game going on it today. Anyways Great job!
  17. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    lightsout deffinately turned the lights on to build this awesome unterrifying spider hey i hate spiders but give this awesome interlocked one a 11/10
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    appreciate it man! if you need an extra for a game send an invite my way (LIGHTSOUT225)

    thanks! how long did it take you to think that up haha? jk homie
  19. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i cant tell much from the pics but your other maps have been great so i will downlosd it anyway
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    it wont disappoint homie.

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