Tarantula Tower v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 8, 2008.


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    Map Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Gametype: Spider Flag
    Gametype Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    Suggested # of players: 4-6

    Version 2 differences

    - It is now impossible to get out of the level.
    - deleted excess, distracting scenery behind the map, viewable from the lower D base
    - added a couple more spawn points, and another respawn area to the attacking side
    - added a Power Drain to the defensive side (spawns one minute into the round, and will only be available again if sudden death comes into play)
    - added sound effects:
    - shield doors around the outside of the map on the defensive side
    - man cannons and grav lifts around the outside of the map on the attack side

    Influences: There’s a tiny bit of Ivory Tower in there, but other than that basically just my extreme fear/hatred of spiders

    Brief Description:
    Tarantula Tower is a symmetrical map designed for One Flag, specifically the Spider Flag game-variant. The attacking team spawns against the back wall and may either travel through the tunnels, or over the top (quicker, but with less cover) to the Defensive Base covering 3 levels. 2 top entrances, 2 tunnel entrances, and a lift spanning all three levels provide multiple ways in and out of the base. Since the map, despite being built from foundry’s man-made objects, has an alien feel to it, I decided to make all the weapons covenant, and split the grenades between plasmas and spike grenades. That’s right, no human weapons (other than the AR) and no frags. I wanted to create a unique experience that makes you forget about foundry all together.

    Since the map is somewhat small, I created a specific One Flag variant to make it flow a bit better. 2 minute rounds, making the Beam Rifle and Plasma Cannons available only once per round. Players start without grenades, and without the luxury of a motion sensor (giving the map more suspense, and a little less grenade-spamming). Once you have stolen the flag, you’ll find your speed has been reduced to 50% in order to balance out the short distance from the top of the D base to the flag return point, and I changed the flag carrier’s color to black (the spider). Flag return time and flag respawn times are both 15 seconds.

    The map is mostly close-quarters, so the screenshots don’t really show you all that much, and might be a bit confusing. Just DL the map and check it out, because I guarantee you can’t really get a good idea from just the screens. All the same I took plenty to still try and capture some of the magi…er, horror.


    When first beginning to build this, I started with the tunnel structure… before I knew it, it had taken on a spider-like form with 6 legs. And once I added the brown-ish walls lining it, “Tarantula” just seemed to fit

    From the middle of the attack base looking between 2 corner wall-covers up to the D base

    Looking down at the attack base

    The right-side attack tunnel leading to the sword room

    Sword room from the attack tunnel, you can see one of the D-side tunnels on the opposite side

    The left-side D tunnel leading to the sword room

    Lower level of the D base

    Another angle

    The lift, which takes you from the lowest to highest levels in the D base has somewhat of an Ivory Tower feel, and is where the “Tower” in the map title came from. Be careful not to get caught in the spider web, the triangle made by the fence boxes just in front of the upper grav lift (just to the left of it in the pic) will suck unsuspecting players up into it as a trap. you can blow up the lift to release yourself, and it will respawn 10 seconds later. The lover lift will however, still take you up to the top level regardless of the upper one being there.

    Mid-level D base, left side

    More D base

    Mid-level lift, great for assassinating players ascending the lift from below

    Top of the D base, looking to Attack

    Looking through the separated-double fence walls down at the sword room (kind of an Epitaph feel if you ever check out the ground floor)

    2 two-way teleporters reside across from each other along the open field above the tunnels

    You can drop down to the lower D level through the fence box

    Which ends up here

    Weapons: AR (starting weapon), 4 Carbines (2 per side), multiple Plasma Rifles, 2 Plasma Pistols (one per side), a Beam Rifle (attack, one spawn per round), a Needler (defense), and 2 defensive Plasma Cannons (150 one spawn each per round)

    Equipment: The attack has a Bubble Shield (60s), and a Deployable Cover (45s, NOT placed at start). The equipment is intended for some cover traveling across the middle, and a deployed Bubble Shield above the sword room can make for some interesting battles for those underneath.

    That’s about it for now, I hope you all enjoy Tarantula Tower. It took me probably 15-18 hours, give or take. Lining the upper tunnels with walls proved pretty difficult with the odd angles and interlocking them (they aren’t pristine-perfect, but they’re darn close. Plus I feel it adds to the atmosphere). As always, I look forward to hearing what you think, whether you liked it or not, and why. I’m open to constructive criticism, as I know I’m not perfect.

    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  2. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    um.... dude, how long did it take you to make this? cuz it looks friggin sweet, i gota giv you props on this man. good job.

    Senior Member

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    haha many, many hours. RIDICULOUS amount of interlocking... pretty much 95% of it is all interlocked. it was a challenge.
  4. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    All that interlocking would drive me crazy!

    Another reason why I stopped making maps.


    Senior Member

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    haha yeh im just stoked i finally learned about save/quitting to interlock...otherwise this wouldnt have been out for another 2 weeks probly

    oh and wanna see somethin kinda cool i bet most if not all of you didnt know about the sword before? go to the sword room, and very slowly walk underneath the sword without picking it up. look up directly at the sword the whole time, and watch what is does. id ever seen it before, and it blew my mind when i first saw it.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Technically an arachnid has 8 legs....insects have 6...so tarantula would be an incorrect name...unless of course this tarantula lost two of its legs in a horrific Halo accident....then I guess it would work. So I guess your tarantula is a war veteran. How noble. Downloaded.

    Senior Member

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    oh wow you are right, i totally knew that too what a brainfart! the name still stands tho (its catchy), and im adopting the story. good lookin out. and i appreciate the DL, let me know what you think after you check it out homie
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Dude, Lights, this looks sick. Came a long way since you showed it to me first, I am impressed by the pics and obviously you have my download. My only other question is: Who wants the ball? Certainly not me. I just plow people and leave the Grifarm'n to everyone else.

    P.S. Does "I just plow people" sound gay? Lately I have a tendency to say gay sounding things for some reason.
  9. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Highly original and very well made. 5/5.

  10. JoeyT 23

    JoeyT 23 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    looks intricate, downloading
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Looks very impressive from the screens. It's a real shame that the only Covenant weapon you can choose for a starter is the Plasma Pistol (excluding the Hammer and Sword); it would have added a really nice touch to your Covenant weapons only setup for the map. I really hate that Bungie couldn't get that to work. I'll let you know what I think when I have a chance to do a forgethrough.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Since when do maps require satisfaction guarantees? Haha

    I was excited for this map as soon as you showed me it and you know you got my download. I like how you have all covenant beacuse most people tend to stay away from covenant weapons, but I'm going to miss my battle rifle WAY too much. :p
    The interlocking looks flawless and I like how you have the sword hanging from the ceiling.

    I'll be back with my final comments later on.
    FYI: Making the flag carrier the 'spider' is ingenius.
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Quite different... This not only belongs in competitive maps but possibly in aesthetics as well. Look very complex and confusing. - Brute Captain
  14. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Looks welll......AMIAZING! (did I spell that right?) Anyway some of the pics show up with the red X's...Back on topic this looks very creative.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Originality was pretty important for me with this map. I wanted it to stand out from other foundry maps.

    Yeh It would have been alot better had I been able to change starting the weapon to the Plasma Rifle..bummer. Walk underneath the sword slowly, looking up at it, but not grabbing it...watch what it does. its interesting, id never knew that before. Anyway, Lookin forward to the feedback guys!

    Wow competitive and aesthetic? thats a pretty small group of maps you're talkin bout there, what a compliment thanks brotha i really appreciate that! And yeh the screens can be a bit confusing just because its such a close-quarters map for the most part and i couldnt really back up far enough with the camera most of the time.

    Can anyone else confirm these bad pic links? they look fine on my screen, but if i need to fix them, someone let me know so i can get on that.

    Oh and it was late and i totally forgot action screenshots...ill get some of em up later today probably
  16. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    the pics are fine to me, and its spelled "amazing".
    oh and i just played the map, and i love it so much.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    awesome! Stoked you like it! The layout isnt as confusing as the screens make it out to be is it? Its fairly straight forward once you run around it once or twice.
  18. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    its like construct, seems really confusing, but after you play it a few times it become natural. anyway i give you
    5 giant tarantulas out of 5
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    haha thanks, but that made me shutter. im not sure why i made a map with a spider-theme because they are pretty much my arch-nemesis. i haaaate spiders
  20. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Re: Tarantula Tower

    Don't you mean 'arach-nemesis'? Lol. Anyway, it looks pretty. I'll check it out in more detail when I get some time (IE. not wasting time at work)

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