TAR PIT Made by Rolanddeshain45 and Royal Bloodbath. Description- This is the third installment in the pit series. This map plays like an arena map. It plays with Oddball, King of the Hill, CTF, Assualt, and Slayer. Weapons- Battle Rifles x8, Carbine x2, Magnums x2, Sniper Rifle, Sword, SMGs x2, Bubble Shield, Spikers x2, Maulers x2, Neddlers x2, Frag Grenades x4, Plasma Grenades x4, Spike Grenades x2. Pictures- [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Download Link- Tar Pit Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gore Pit if you want to check out the second installment. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Interesting. I like how it has a few levels. I'm gonna dl this to run around on. The forging looks really clean to me. This should be a fun map.
hey roland nice pics on the map we made your last post was an hour ago or something like that i thought it would be wes day when you post it but ok we really cant do much with it but its done
For future reference, the pics are a lot easier to see if you take off the filters. I can't see much of the map, but the parts I do see are clean and well forged. 5/7
it looks really good, my only pet peeve is the wood lol idk i just hate wood paths i like to keep the stone all the way through, i'll dl and look at it and get back to ya.