Foundry Tansgression

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DMM White, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    "Don't make a girl a promise, if you know you can't keep it"
    A symmetrical map for team and FFA.


    Recommended players: 2 - 10

    Recommended gametypes:
    King of the Hill


    Transgression is a symmetrical map suitable for FFA, 2 team and 4 team games and supports nearly all gametypes! Not CTF. CTF sucks on this map.

    You may have seen (but not posted, nobdy did and the thread sank really quickly, grr) Transgression as a Map Preview named Coordination This is that map with slight weapon modifications and scenery changes.

    Transgression was designed and built for Atlas and will take anything matchmaking can throw at it! You'll notice the back corridor has extra walls in, blocking most of it off other than the route to the other half of the map. Its made from shield doors and regular doors, thats right! Those haxors in matchmaking can't get themselves through it or their bullets through. FANTASTIC!
    Or how about the crane? Blocked off with more doors!

    Gee, I seem to be using doors as walls a lot...

    DON'T PANIC! I ran out of doors and when I finally did doors as doors, I just used a fence wall! INGENIOUS CREATIVITY!



    To submit this map to Atlas, I require 3 gameplay films. I have 3 but only 2 of them are lag free.
    I NEED YOUR HELP! Being in the UK, its often hard to find other map testers who are even awake when I want to test my map. OR when they have organised a map test session, it will be at a time when I'm asleep.

    If you do download and play on this map with your friends, can you try FFA Oddball and/or FFA Slayer BRs with 6 - 8 players.

    The game must be played as if would be played in matchmaking. Those are the matchmaking gametypes. Just play the game as if you're in matchmaking, try to win and don't let anyone quit or join the game once it has started.
    It has to be just like it would be in matchmaking. Shishka's rules. Shishka rules.

    If you do play one of those games and nobody quits or ends up mucking about during the game, can you post in your fileshare and send me a PM?



    On with the map posted! Screenie Time!

    Who needs stairs an ramps? I have walls!

    Red Team Spawn

    Blue Team Spawn

    Recon is cool. My map has Recon on it. Therefore my map must be cool! You cannot deny the logic! YOU CANNOT!

    Most of the action takes place at the back

    The middle stays pretty quiet during slayer... even though there's a Rocket Launcher spawn there...

    3rd or 4th Team Spawn up by the wall, the other will spawn by the wall on the other side.
    In the back corridor you'll find a Power Drain, and a path through the other side

    Nobody shall pass my make-shift wall! Even though it is made from doors, it is impassable! MWUUHAA HA HA...

    Hey an Overshield! And a Hammer!
    Lookout, there are Sniper Rifles on either end of this long, open stretch!

    Hey! More doors!


    To reiterate, if you can play a game of FFA Oddball and/or FFA Slayer BRs with 6 - 8 players that would be brilliant and a really help me out!

    Also, would you like to see in matchmaking at all? Just wondering for my future submissions to Atlas.

    In a matchmaking, user-made map, what would you like to see? Would you rather a map built like a Bungie made map, with comptetive gameplay so you can have the satisfaction of pwning the other team with your leet Halo skillz or would you prefer a more casual map which has things like man cannons and mongooses?


    Final note: No, I don't have Recon.

    And that's quite a lot of text after the download link... have another!

    #1 DMM White, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  2. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    Hey, nice map, great interlocking there, most of the bridges just get trashed on top these days, I'd like to test your map for your vid, I live in The Netherlands, so that means that I'm 1 hour ahead of the UK, also I'm almostly always on, (Note: next monday I'm going on a vacation) and my gamertag: 'The Persister', so if you need any help I'm there, at any rate, nice job on the map and it's well thought through, btw I'd like to see more casual stuff in matchmaking as long as it's well forged, with 2600 exp you don't really always bother winning in social matches, so for example maps like valhalla are awesome to muck around in, though if I need to take stuff serious then I'll be there with my four shot br, so I won't muck around in the vid.

    <<The Persister>>

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