
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Thelepearchaun, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Thelepearchaun

    Thelepearchaun Forerunner

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    My first custom map.

    Its centered around a large tanker ship The super structure of the ship consists of the bridge at one end and the forward control tower at the bow. These serve as the 2 bases.

    The bridge is bigger and allows for more open fighting, but has large holes in the cover and many entrances.


    The forward control tower has fewer entrances and is thus easier to guard, but it is so cramped that grenades could wipe out the whole team inside.


    Both of these places have 2 sniper rifles with plenty of cover to wreck anyone caught alone in no mans land in the middle. The deck is a long and open space that can lead to instant death for anyone unaware of the snipers, but people using armor abilities can get through using the cover given.

    Of course, if you want to avoid the big open space, you can always go below deck....


    That is if you can survive below deck. The cargo holds are full tanks, ghosts and all kinds of unruly big weapons to destroy them. Teleporters at either end zip you from deck to holds (with cover). But just know that anything down there can follow you...

    (note...ghosts cant follow you. I dont know why, but ghosts have a habit of launching hundreds of feet in the air after going through the teleporter)

    Its set up for slayer, FFA and Invasion as of now. If theres any kind of support for the concept, Id like to remake it a bit more streamlined and fine tuned

    ***Edited to include images***

    Edited by merge:

    Now with 400% more images! YAY :)
    #1 Thelepearchaun, Jan 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
  2. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks good but I am just wondering are the bases fair because one of them looks alike it has a giant advantage (first pic) and it looks like the other base looks like it was just rushed and only took a few seconds to make. I also think the bottom portion looks a little to open and a waste of money because the vehicle have no were to go. Nice map though
  3. Thelepearchaun

    Thelepearchaun Forerunner

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    I felt that way at first as well. But while playing a few rounds the bases even out because of what they have over each other. The first one is a lot more open with more room to run around and more spots to shoot from, but this means that there are a lot of places to attack it from.

    The other base however is more confined and thus harder to move around in, however it has a lot more cover at the entrances and the snipers are better protected. So it ends up being a much smaller space that is easier to defend

    And the under bay is so big and empty to encourage people to use the vehicles to clear it out, then use the teleporters to move to the top deck. As long as they can avoid the snipers, a warthog or ghost can destroy another team up top while the scorpions make it harder to make it to the top and generate general mayhem

    Ill admit its not as polished as I hoped, however, for a first run into Forgeworld, I dont think its half bad. So like I said, if people think the concept is sound, Id like to try to remake it with some changes to structure...and fix the flying ghost problem

    Either way, thanks for the notes
    #3 Thelepearchaun, Jan 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2012
  4. Oweirdone

    Oweirdone Forerunner

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    Hey, I will download and try it out, I like the concept and I want to now how the mp feels and plays, aesthetically it looks pretty good though :)
  5. Thelepearchaun

    Thelepearchaun Forerunner

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    Feedback is more than welcome...in fact needed. I want to make it as good as possible

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