Tank Dropper, Done Legit

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Undead Fanatic, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Here is a small story on how I unlocked Tank Dropper Legitly. My brother brought a friend over and they were forging on Sandbox, just for fun, not seriously. I took the controller from my brother's friend and my brother gave his controller to the guest. Now when we forge for fun there are a couple of ground rules and he broke all of them. I was mad so I went up to the sky bubble, blocked the tele with a Kill Ball and played God with a Sniper Rifle. I my brother joined with another account and switched with his friend. Things died down after awhile and I started dropping vehicles in to the map becuase they couldn't do anything aboot it. The friend hid in my brother's base and my brother grabbed one of the Hornet's I dropped and started to fly around.

    Here is the Legit part. By now he deleted some of my vehicles. One of which was a Tank. I spawned another one and dropped it. It flew threw the Skybubble down, down, down, and crashed right into my brother's Hornets flight path killing him in a fiery explosion and a flood of laughter. The chances of this happening I figure are pretty low and I only wish I saved this film. But for one reason or another the X-box got turned off and when I came back it was gone. Everything happened so perfectly I just had to share it. BTW I did unlock Tank Dropper because I was on our offline Guest Profile.
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Proof or it didn't happen.

    I'm guessing it didn't though because any normal person would record a moment like that
  3. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I remember when I got my first ranked unstoppable medal... but sometimes stopping matchmaking and going to theater is the last thing you want to do when you're on a streak.
  4. AX7Irish nade

    AX7Irish nade Ancient
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    also would a tank blow up a hornet? i think the hornet would slid out from underneath or the tank would hit and bounce off

    AX7Irish nadealso would a tank blow up a hornet? i think the hornet would slid out from underneath or the tank would hit and bounce off.

    I remember when I got my first ranked unstoppable medal... but sometimes stopping matchmaking and going to theater is the last thing you want to do when you're on a streak.

    but he was in forge messing around not in MM
    #4 AX7Irish nade, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2009
  5. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    Don't double post or you'll get eaten =).

    Lol, if it did actually happen that sounds pretty funny, but I'm not certain that the Hornet would blow up form a tank.
  6. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    lol even if you just killed someone with a vehicle while in forge mode and it was planned, it would still be legit.
  7. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    That's pretty cool. I don't know why all you guys are shitting on him, though. Why would he go through the trouble of making all this stuff up and posting about it? Especially about the Tank Dropper achievement. But Nicksternater is right. You can't really get Tank Dropper in a "legit" way. Next time, tell us how you got your Perfection legit-ly (<-- I don't think that's a word.) I got my Perfection without cheating/setting it up. Did you? (Granted, I got my Perfection by camping on top of one of Sandbox's bases and picking off guests, but hey, I didn't ask them to run at me like retards.)
  8. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I just called it Legit because I didn't tell him to fly into it. If you want to try and drop a tank through the Sky Bubble on a flying hornet be my guest, there is no reason it shouldn't work again. Also Legitly isn't a real word it just works for what I was going to say. And one more thing I almost got my Perfection in the same way. I was using the BR on a AR match of Sandbox, camping the Bases. I had 11 kills, then suddenly some guy jumped over the overshield and fired a rocket straight at me. I just blanked out and got pwned. After that all I got was SWAT.

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