Well, working on Tempests terrain is quite a challenge, I can see by the pics that you've done a good job. A larger description would be good though. I'll download and tel you what I think.
aesthetically this is a masterpiece from what i can tell. you got my dl. i like all the green. i can't get a good look at the layout but I'll give it a forge though later.
thanks for your post. Please tell me what do You think about that map after playing. i d'like to recieve remarks to optimize gameplay.
Looks like a very nice map. I like using Tempest every now and then just to give the community something different. And you know, my first map that I've submitted was actually on Tempest and it was like my most popular map. This one looks really good, I like the idea and location. You've inspired me to create another map on there after I finished creating a remake of a Halo 1 map.
Tempest abound in possibility and the resulte is often realy different about forge world. I d'like to test more maps on this support so when you finish yours.....
Sure. I like creating new maps in Halo but I find it hard to come up w/ creative ideas for them. I would definitely like a helping hand...
You know I just start to forge seens few month and i think you need an expert to help you. But if you want to work with me its ok. PS: This is new shots of my map.
I thought the map looked great in some spots. Game play felt a bit awkward though. Not enough ways to get around and hard to navigate at times when in battle. Great visuals though.
This looks amazing, All the objects look different on tempest in this forge (struts), Great use of the land, lighting and forging structures, to create this map. Am looking forward to taking a closer look and getting a few customs on this map. Great work and a nice change to see the ground and land used rather than the many forges that use the top aeshetics of tempest. I would advise expanding on your description with a weapons list, and brief desctiption. Nice job Dl & like from me...