Tainted Steps

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by BADASSCYBORD123, Apr 12, 2009.


    BADASSCYBORD123 Ancient
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    Made by Dutix not Soul Master 123 im just posting it for him
    This map was made a unique take of an infection map
    its made in the air.
    The zombies spawn open boxes and have too run down a long path with not much cover and have to jump over a gap to get to where the humans are.
    The humans start with not much cover but lots of weapons and camping spots witch are good for sniping the zombies as they make there way across the long path and humans have 2 other bases that are connected to the main base
    The human base witch has a warthog turret that you can use and a few weapons on.
    This is one of the bases witch is connected onto the main one with ou have to jump to get to.
    This is the other base with is good for a last resort battle against the zombies
    This is the path way that the zombies have to run across to get the human base but the humans get on it because of the gap and these are the box's that the zombies spawn in.
    Thats about it for this map here's the overview of the map.
    And Here's The Game Veriant Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    And Here's The Map Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    Hope you enjoy it from Dutix
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Hello, I guess I'll review your map.

    Ok, This map requires improvements in the design and game type.

    I just played this map with only 5 friends and was never able to get off the bridge.

    The map is too biased towards the survivors since there is no cover for the zombies and there are weapons of all kinds for the survivors.

    First I will tell you about the pictures and what It looked like. There is little or no interlocking in which I could view, this is not such a big deal considering that interlocking is just a bonus for visual pleasure. But interlocking would have been useful to give it a pro overtone. It would have helped align most of the objects and there would have not been holes in the ground which sort of makes it look ugly and undesirable.

    The problems truly came into effect as I played the map, the gigantic path in which the zombie must run to get to the humans, these need more cover or need to be shortened, as I attempted to run across I was constantly shot down by lasers and heavy fire. It was fun for the humans only, as I attempted several times to get across.

    The map not only lacks interlocking but looks rushed (Adding to the fact that it was not interlocked to begin with. Very little is aligned properly, it looks like it took less then an hour to put it together. It also seems like it was a build-it-up-as-you-think-it-up type of map. Which I do not like since nothing matches with anything.

    In my opinion it deserves a 1/5.

    The map looks and plays horribly, it looks as though it had no feeling put into it so that others may enjoy it.

    The game play is just as bad and needs a major overtone along with the map.


    -If you would like a review as long as this with actual criticism then message me.
    #2 RadiantRain, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  3. Mr Dutix

    Mr Dutix Ancient
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    Fair enough. I will take that and try and improve, I'm still getting used to the SandBox sky Bubble stuff.

    BADASSCYBORD123 Ancient
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    ok cheers for reviewing it but were going to update it tomorrow.
    it was our first try on some thing new we tryed to sort out the fact tht zombies would get spawn killed soo tht is what the gap was for.
    to me i think it was a good idea and it was planned by the way.
    and it was our first try we will updte it tomorrow ok with version 2 soo you didnt have too be soo demanding and by the way it's made for bigger party's

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