nice merging, i like the base looks like uv took ur time on the map and its really paid off, good job but the look at the ramp of walls in thee red base, looks like u could get stuck or would hav to jump i dont know ill try it out and c
I did try my damnedest lol. Na but I know what you mean. After halo burned my with his review, this map be that last map I make. I'm gonna put this on review hub too see how they like V.1 - V.2 coming soon.
Honestly mate I would wait till you get V.2 up and have them review that one. You have a very solid map here mate but those few bugs we've mentioned so far will drop it's rating down a it.
Oh boy, you used my name . Anyway, the actual creek part of the map looks very nice. I bunkers are also very well done. Nice job.
This shares a whole lot of elements that I loved about my most recent map: Angled interlocking, the bottom of boxes with that silver part used as an underground tunnel, the Fuel Rod =] Overall, I actually like your angled merge better. Mine was pretty durn exact, but I'll check yours out in-game and examine closer. Really, this is a beautiful thing you've got. The pics, as someone else said, don't show the overall layout very well, but that is quite difficult with small maps. A few parts I was confused by, but like I said, I'll check it out in-game and I'm sure those will clear themselves up. Very pretty and professional. A+ ****EDIT**** Where's the DL link?!?!
Thanks for that comment lol. made me feel better. Um bottom of page. I'll bolden it for you, it is kinda hard to see.
Certainly! Also, u r haz 117 p0sts. u n0t pots ne maor! ****EDIT**** I figured out what I was doing. I was clicking the "Download" text, thinking that it was the link. I was wondering why it was "un-clickable." Haha, I found it, though. Can't wait to check it out!
great map scope but i suggest a few different pictures maybe get a picture of when you firs tshowed this to me, with no bases but the main structure was still there it wont be great but it will allow everyone to see how the map is layed out
okay, I'm back. I just had a forgethrough and this map has been made beautifully, layout, creation, interlocking, merging, all brilliant. But what made me cringe is that you dont fully understand weapon placement, all weapons on this map have a 30 second respawn. That is not a good thing. Imagine on this map, you're playing 2v2 and the both members of the opposing team have a sword and a sniper, on this map, that would ruin gameplay. Just thought this was worth mentioning, I escaped this map. I dont see why you didnt properly block off this map. You have the resources why didnt you do it. I give it 7/10, this could be a possible 8 or 9/10 if it were not for the escapability and weapons.
great map good for medium sized slayer and/or symmetrical games 5/5+dl but is the rest of the map blocked off cuz i dint see it blocked, or is it intentional? does it add to the gameplay?