this is my new minigame. TAG. the name gives away the idea. one person is the juggernaut. and when you are killed by the juggernaut, you become juggernaut. you can just play around for fun. or to win you have to assasinate the juggernaut 3 times. starting weapon is plasma pistol for players. and sword for juggernaut. the only problem is that when the juggernaut kills someone. he keeps his sword becuase he dosn't respawn. the juggernaut has 75% speed and normal jump, he is also invulernable. the players have normal settings. the juggernaut has radar. and the players do not. to prevent juggernauts from camping in the corners, there are man cannons there. heres the link to the map. and the gametype. know for pics. an overview. the juggernaut. another overview. the juggernaut being assasinated. the juggernaut gets a kill. i don't know about you. but i like to shout. tag your it. whenever i get someone. thanks for looking at my map. please rate a download. thanks
are the cannons inside the boxes ? if they are thats great cuz ther are usualy an eyesore this map is lots of fun, i helped teset it out, im the guy getting owned in the last pic lawl
i like it but to get around the whole sword problem, why not give everyone swords also make sure that you dont get points for killing non juggernots because that could kill the game good idea with the mancannons also
I really like the idea. If you want previous juggernauts to not have swords, just give them pistols like everyone else and make it instant kill.
ok if you have tha cannons in the corners i would change that also i would also suggest merging gravlits into the ground that way you cant get ount of the map as easily as you might be able to with man cannons
The idea is good, the map is messy. I understand why you did that, but it really ruins the flavor of the gametype with such a messy map.
oh lol I thought this was going to be like oddball were the guy with the oddball has Tag on and all the ladies chase him...
Nice Job Stin. You finally posted it. Yay! Anyways great, fun game 5/5. I like the arena a lot. I had a pleasure testing this too. And thanks for including me in the pics. (I'm the person with green and yellow amour). Anyways it's really fun to play but I already saved so I can't download again.
it is tag finally put on forgehub any way it is really the game that does it i love it mthe map is cool as well thought but the game is so good
Can you butterfly out?That's the only thing I'm concerned about other than that great map.....and idea.4/5.
im not sure, but could you make it honor rules only hitting B, and making it so that whenever the juggernaut recieves at least a little damage, that it automatically switches to the other person, and people can only damage the juggernaut.....
Ya thats what I was thinking make sure the juggernauts are the only ones getting points for killing because that would really be crazy and it would kind of ruin it. This map does look very cool though, lots of cover to hide from the juggernauts IMO. Good Job! 5/5!