srry ppl the map is banned because of the name from the code of conduct Tacular! Description: It has 4 Floors on this map. hope u like it! Perfect 4 slayer Pics: Weapons: Name # Spawn rate Magnum 2 30 Shotgun 2 60 Plasma Rifle 2 30 Assault Rifle 2 30 Spiker 2 30 Energy Sword 1 90 Sniper 2 45 Brute Shot 2 45 BR 4 45 Needler 1 45 Plasma Rifle 1 45 Mauler 1 45 Equipment # -grenades Frag 12 Plasma 16 Spike 12 Firebomb 4 -Side Equipment Bubble Shield 2 Trip Mine 1 Regenerator 2 Camo 1 (camo and overshield is kinda like scenery) Overshield 1 Download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
please embed pictures if you dont know how follow these instructions: How to embed an image on Forgehub First go to and then click Browse Then find the image on your computer Then Open it Then click host it! Then when it opens up a new page left click on the picture you just hosted! Then when it opens another page right click on the picture and go down to properties. Then copy the url adress link and then copy that url to forge hub and your done ! Here’s an example ( it will be close to what you see) (P.S. when your done copying the address URL and you click the button " Insert Image" make sure you erase the http:// first before you insert your picture URL! Hope you understand! Good Luck! Peace!
You used the tags a little wrong the end tag for url looks like this [/url] and the images need that to, put
from what i can see in your tiny pics it looks good and fun to play on but fix the pix so ya nice job
Yeah you guys I think it only takes one post to get the point across that the pics are too small! Enough of that, the map looks great. Looks planned well and built well.