Tactical Territories Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Bartoge, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Alright, I have an idea for territories but need some help to get it to work.

    Basically I want to use the different traits for territories :base player, attackers, and defenders traits. Like always, base player traits are the normal traits for everyone. Attacker traits are traits you get when you are capturing territories and defender traits are traits you get when you are in a territory already captured by your team.

    The gametype will be a variant of Flag Rally, where the territories don' lock after capture. I want this to be a tactical game. Simply put, your normal while not in a territory. When in a territory you have lower shields. I have two options: A{no shields, immune to headshots, pretty good damage resistance} or B{shields, mediocure damage resistance, headshots are active}. "A" makes the BR not effective but duels effective. "B" makes BRs effective but duels not as effective. I am leaning towards "A", but give me your opinion. I want the radar jammer to be useful, so territory placement is important. Territories should be in spots where there is high ground around it. It should cover at least two sides of the territory {if square} and should be maybe a box high. This allows for teams to deploy the jammer, then kind of ambush the attackers. This placement would also increase bubble shield effeciency. Another debatae for the two plans are equipment. "A" would make use of bubble shields, while "B" would make use of regens and power drains. Once again, give me your opinion.

    I will probably make a map pack type thing for this gametype including maps on :
    -Rats Nest
    -The Pit
    -Last Resort
    -Ghost Town
    -Isolation {maybe}
    -High Ground {maybe}

    So, to kind of end the thread here are some ending notes:
    -Tactical gametype using a variant of Flag Rally
    -Low health in territories, high outside territories
    -Two plans for health "A" and "B"
    -"A" focuses more on BRs, pistols, snipers, and other one shot weapons, and regens and power drains
    -"B" focuses on duels and bubble shields
    -Territories are normally in low areas surrounded by high ground
    -Radar jammer will be useful

    Please leave comments, and suggestions, because I am having some trouble with this gametype.
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I am leaning toward "A" too. People would really like how it focuses on guns, and not melee, since people like the BR.
    I would bit make it so that you have high health outside the territories. It would give them a really unfair advantage. They wouldn't charge, but just sit there.
    As for the radar jammers, just remove radar. Makes it a bit like SWAT.

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