tactical map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Spartan III, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    someone should create a tactical map. it would have tons of cover but no grenades. this way, you can pin down an enemy, but are unable to kill them without risk. this is much more realistic, because alot of times you would either throw grenades back, or they are innacurate enough that you can either just move a little and be fine or they wont hurt you at all. i guess im thinking like SWAT, except with no grenades and with tons of cover and limitations. like oyu can barely jump, and you run at average human speed, not like a cheetah. it would be a great game in my opinion. would anyone like to make this map? i would, but i cant get on the xbox for like a week....
  2. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    I like the idea a lot. Like basically the gametype for it would be no shields, slower movement, slightly higher gravity, no grenades right? that sounds like a fun and challenging game to me.

    If you want I can help you later when you can get on, though I can't tackle it by myself. I've got school and work and I'm working on a map of my own(just startin tho). But yeah, I'd be glad to help maybe in design and some construction
  3. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    yah,thats pretty much the basics of the gametype. it would also have weapons that take a while to respawn, and have no extra clips in them.

    i wish i could forge, but im not allwed on until next week. the map will probably be on foundry, with tons of cover and few weapons, to reflect that in modern combat you have to conserve your ammo. the primary weapons will be AR or BR, with a pistol. the weapons on the map will most likely look like this:

    6 AR's per side
    6 BR's per side
    1 Sniper in a tall building
    1 Rocket with only 2 rounds in it
    1 Shotgun with 1 spare clip, in the bulding opposite the sniper tower
    2 Flares per side, but not in obvious places
    1 Mongoose per side
    1 Warthog, in the middle
    1 Frag Grenade next to the sniper spawn

    an alternative would be done on standoff, because there is more room and higher roof than in foundry. plus there is more room for mongeese and the warthog. standoff actually might be a better choice.
  4. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
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    good idea. here's a tip that I'm incorporating into my current map:

    If a base is 1 box high or on top of Double boxes, you can make perfect cover by interlocking walls into the outsides of walls and making them 2 flat walls high (give or take a bit)

    for example this picture of my current project shows a small pillbox I made using it. (on the left):

  5. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    Actually, Standoff is sounding really good on this idea. Put the teams at opposite ends of the maps( not in the bases, God forbid), make some nice cover pieces, utilize the bases to the max. You'd really want to have some open areas though, so that you do have some risk.

    Maybe when I finish sketching up my map, I can take a whack at this idea and run it by you. I've got a few ideas that might work out well for this, especially if its on Standoff. This actually sounds fun...

    Edit: don't hold your breath tho, my map is going to be a two story vehicle friendly, and I haven't even finished drawing up the blueprints for the first floor... =P
  6. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    the only reason i didn't want too many vehicles is that the focus should be on infantry. plus in fondry, there isnt enough room for multiple hogs. on standoff maybe 2 in the middle.

    the reason i waant them in the middle is to make players fight over them, so they can have the advantage.
  7. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    i've made a map with major confines, the roof is right above your head at points, and theirs quite a bit of cover, but it's not perfectly great...
  8. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    could you post screenshots here so we can look at it?

    what we really want is open spaces where a sniper can kill you, but also enclosed areas in the buildings, and possibly even a crawlspace or attic or something. imagine how coll it would be if there was a crawl space underneath like the hill in KotH. then there would be a small, un-noticable hole in the floor in 1 corner. so while half of the team is attacking the building from outside, the rest are going under the enemy. they then send some nades up and retreat to make sure its safe. they then jup out and kill everybody. how awesome would it be in a game to just pop out of the floor like a ninja and kill everyone in a room in a few seconds (overkill achievement anyone?).

    so the map should be on standoff. it gives you a chance to create large buildings, but also to create crawlspaces without reducing the bulding size. man, imagine in like a team slayer game.losing with 44-49. the entire opposing team is holed up in a sniper building, across the map. you grab a invisibility and make a mad dash for it. noone sees you. you grab a shotgun in the crawlspace, and jump out of the floor to kill the door guard. the rest of your enemies see a red blip and come down to investigate. you are hidden in the crawlspace. as your radar says, there is now only 1 man left in the botto floor. you grenade him without popping out. the other team is now all in the bottom floor, with 1 man guarding the stairs if he sees you. you signal your team, and tell them to crank out the turret. suddenly, a hog turret and a base turret begin firing into the room. while the enemy is pinned down, you lob a grenade up, killing the injured ones. the others cannot retreat, and simply begin firing at you. it is now tied up, and you pop out and kill the last one and win the game. it would completely change the physics of gameplay.
  9. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Rig the roof with explosives i say, if the close detonations of the fusion coils kill them, then there shields will be down, you can then take em all out with just a pistol!!!!

    Yes that would change the physics of gameplay, or more so the tactical thinking and actions of gameplay. You would have to do some great geo-merging to make the route to the other base a thin line (2 thin lines to get to their base, about 3 hogs wide, then make their base taller by about 3 or 2 levels (each base) and viola, you have your map, but it'd have to be inescapable!
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    I think maybe delaying this until sandbox comes out is a wise choice. there are more items, a larger budget, a larger item limit, and more flat space. probably in the crypt i would say.
  11. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes, that would be the best decision, making it on an older map will just result it failure, if you ask me.
  12. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    not necessarily failure, but it would certainly not be nearly as good

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