Status: Currently Testing Gametype: One-Sided Territories Overview: This is a map I created with the concept that you have to tactically gain control of a city by the capturing of a few territories. I also was aiming for options in the order you capture them. After you capture the first territory, you can choose between the territory on the other side of the catwalk, or the territory in the second street. This continues on throughout the map. Even though I consider it the final territory (number 5 on the map overview), you could capture it before, or after the courtyard territory The last thing I was going for was tactical movement. But, it turned out that my system to encourage this didn't work, but I'll explain that in the "Concerns" section. Player Traits: Anything not mentioned is normal. 0% shield recharge 200% gravity Pictures: Overview of the territories and the map. The seconds street. On the right side of the catwalk is territory two. In the way back is the final territory. The house contains a turret peeking out its second floor window. Courtyard territory. Contains two sniper perches and another entrance to the final territory in the bottom left corner above the double walls. Defenders Class Selection Point. Class 1: Sniper Class 2: Assault Rifle, Bubble Sheild, and Frags Class 3: BR class The Attackers Weapon Selection. As you can see it is more open. The Attackers are unleashed after 30 seconds to give the Defenders time to set up. Concerns: In an attempt to make this map tactical, I made it so that shields do not recharge. I also added a medic class which contains a regenerator to heal one shot teammates so that they don't just run around one shot. I tested this map and figured out the regenerator doesn't regenerate if you have 0% sheild recharge, so I just tried making recharge really slow, but the slowest is 50% recharge rate. Please help me by either fixing the the regenerator problem in some miraculous way, or coming up with another concept to make this map just that much more tactical. Thanks.
Reminds Me Of A Map In Call Of Duty 4. Look Fun. Sadly Its Just a Preview. I Really Don't Know How To Help u There. But Nice Work.
Custom powerup lasting maybe 10 sec on your map somewhere, like a med kit, and when there low health they pick it up there health recharges, and then the effect goes away. And There at full health again!
Or that could work to you would just have to make the ustom power up stats be the normal stats and it would be just like a health pack. By the way You should try to make the cover part of the map maning try to avoid to much random scenery make the geometry your cover.
Looks epicsecks. Minus the weapons caches IMO. Brew, this is going to need a BG story. Like no other.