My first machinima. I know the voice acting is pretty terrible, just go with it. EDIT: Still processing, BTW. YouTube - Tacos - Halo 3 Machinima
Ching chong mushi mushi I like tacos and the sushi! Ring rong a shimi shong my ***** only two inch long.... ****ing loled. Work on your voices, the characters sound all the same for the most part.
That Dino sounded like he needed to take a huge F**kin ****. "We serve dinos" I've heard that from another machinima. Can't remember which one though. So far, I congrat you on your first Machinima. I will never achieve something that close. I have done map previews but that different. Might wanna gets some friends over and let them do different voices. That way this guy is happy (^^^^). Good Luck!
Thanks douchebag, and Devil. And yeah my internet was down so I couldn't really contact anybody haha.
good for a first machinima! It had a great plot and was funny. Voices do need work, I suggest either getting a slightly higher quality mic, and using audacity, or getting other people to act... Doing it yourself gets it done the best when you have the tools though...
My mic is good quality, I just forgot to put a sock over it . And I use Audacity. But yeah, I'll definitely get others to help next time.
I'm also willing to voice act... I have a wide range of applicable voices you may be interested in, although the time frame may not be good for you.. School's a *****
Loved that Chinese guy lol. Yea work on the voice and I really hope that you aren't racist real life because that would be terrible.
I DO VOICE TOO! Misch where you been man? Melty when did you voice drop at all? Musta been a <3 both yall
Add BeguiledLlama. New account lol. I tried HeCtic and live was like, Sorry thats taken may we suggest: HeCtic893 HeCtic892734 HeCticSmith BeguiledLlama Haha. Im not on a lot cause of Ap classes though