Tabularium By oO SLiK Oo Gametypes:2-8 players best for 3v3 on all team gametypers Team Slayer Team Oddball Capture the Flag Assult (best one bomb) Terratories Date Started 1-02-09 Date finished 4-7-09 Story:Once an Ancient Roman storage facility found 2500 years after it was made, The UNSC used this Courtyard to the Tabularium as a battle ground against the Covenant and some how left the structures still standing. Discription:This was a four month project for me.Yes four months on and off forging.But the map is Asymmitrical with four Arches, and attackers and defenders bases.Tabularium is very competitive slayer map.Its better game play for 3v3.The spawns are good but not perfect because the map layout.Its a very akward layout.There was no map layout in the first plac, just building from the ground up.But this map is very fun to play on, It really took about 3 months to make but another month of testing.I did work my butt off on this map to make it good.So please leave so feed back thank you! Weapons: Assult Rifles x3 Battle Rifles x10 Snipers x2 (2 clips) Spikers x2 Magnum x3 Plasma Pistols x1 Plasma Rifles x2 Needlers x1 Rocket Launchers x1 (one clip) Carbines x2 Maulars x2 Frags x15 Stickies x10 Bubble Shield x1 Power Drain x1 Regenerator x1 Camo x1 Pictures [/URL]Defenders [/URL] [/URL]Attackers [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Special Thanks to the fallowing Sage 714:For give me of ideas AZN FTW:For a lesson on Spawns Insane54:Giving me a tip iTz Flair&JNewcomb:For video AmercanPyshco:Helping on ideas on defenders base Hunted Trilogy:Teardroping a bridge for me Yo Mommas Foot:For the name Thanks to all testers and helping supporting me! Video: Download Tabularium Please leave good feedback and tips thanks!
Flawless interlocking and geomerging, taking aspects of MLG Regicide and Harmony and completely remaking them in an original way. There is no doubt in my mind that this will be a future feature. Nice work 5/5
Great map, amazing expertise interlocking, great variation of levels, I think we all know what this map deserves. Anyway, I think this map is perfect. 5/5
wow very nice map dude. Some new archtecture and stuff really caught my eye. Th gameplay looks great and the weapons balanced. You took a lot of time to make this and it looks perfect. Some places can be fixed, but idk to explain. Just i cant give any more advice except 4 if u want to ask me wat u can fix 4 a V2. 5/5 awesome job dl'ing now. Keep forgin'! -Dylan
wow this map is really nice! It has no two parts that look the same and veary smooth! good ramps, speed bumps, good cover and catwalks at that to.
Great to see you finally finished the map and posted it. I already said a while ago that I thought this map was very nice. The interlocking and geomerging are second to none. I played several slayer games on this and I loved the flow of the map. No where did I see or feel any bumps. The design of the map is genius. I really can't wait to see what you come up with on Sandbox because I know that you are going to like it. I am sure going to DL this map and overwrite the old beta one that I have. Excelent forging and geomerging! 5/5 for sure.
amazing map, very very good geomerging and interlocking. the only thing is in the first pic, the double wall/ramp is not geomerged, which would make a bad bump, idk if thats on purpose or what, but it should be fixed
On the first pic it shows a wall double ramp the the end of the wall isn't merged into the ground. That is the only flaw that I can see. Have you ever tested this out with a ghost? I see tons of open ground space that could be pretty hectic with a ghost. Good luck towards feature! 5/5
well the past few post have been and this one is the best iv seen tonight, or more like in alot of nights. You did very good on making this map. it looks good, and observing the pics/vid, looks like alot of fun too. +10000 cool points and a non fail 5/5.
The main thing i need to fix is this part you can break but i can i cant fix it because no money but its hard doing plus got a huge chance of getting killed, But thanks!
From what I can see it looks very original and very good. Especially the merged single open boxes, those can be bitches to get right. I like the arch thing setup too. My favorite types of maps are the ones that are just built as you go instead of planned because in my opinion they come out better, and this one came out great. Nice job
Holy crap. This seems amazing. I love the look of this. The whole map is unique. And the fact that you used the back hallways as well, that just improves my score. Bravo. You've made a feature worthy map. 9/10.
wow you have out done yourself this time this map is amasing interlockin espeserly geo merging perfect in any way possible 5/5
Wow.... this is an excellent looking map with a great layout. Your Geomerging is really nice and I love that you use the fencewall ramps. The middle structure looks really nice and it seems that you put a lot of effort in that. 5/5.
wow this map is honestly one of the better maps ive seen in a while though im not going to lie you lost me a little when i saw the picture of you in the back where you spawn in a slayer game where the bubble shield. In my own opinion i wouldnt make a map including that part,i would suggest making a v2 and closing that part off and maybe make some sleight changes to the map. GOOD JOB!!!
Awesome job Slik you finally posted this. As you probably already picked up from the other people great job. ^_^ 5/5