
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ZANDER1994, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    T2 is a small enclosed map meant for smaller slayer, oddball, and CTF games. The middle building has three levels. The bottom level consists of a tunnel that runs right down the middle at a ninety degree angle to both sides of the map. In the middle of the tunnel, it splits, allowing entrance from either (teams') side. The middle level consists of a forking hallway that leads to bridges leading to either (teams') sides, and a gravlift to take you up to the top level. There is also two openings in the walls where you can drop down into the tunnels, or access the roof as well. The top level is basically the roof. There is a hole in the middle that can take you down to the tunnels, or the second level. Around the building is various cover spots and the two bases on either side.
    Weapons List
    2 Battle Rifles
    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 Plasma Grenades
    1 Bubble Shield
    1 Plasma Rifle
    2 SMGs
    2 Assault Rifles

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    What inspired you to make T2?
    Upon the following days of the release of foundry, I created a map called Tourney. It was very crudely made, without interlocking, merging, and a terrible spawn and weapon placement. I decided to remake the map though because of it's great layout. I took out the huge bases on both sides because they didn't really seem to fit, and basically scrunched everything up. I also wanted to make an enclosed map again, as my last one has surpassed every other map in downloads. In case you were wondering, yes Tourney is STILL ON MY FILE SHARE. I'll keep it there for a while just in case anyone wants to download it and compare the two. Just to say "damn! ZANDER made this?"

    #1 ZANDER1994, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    wow, zander actually made a map. it looks really cool, the barrier thingy is a cool and origonal idea, and the map looks like it flows well, the one back wall could be interlocked smoother, but its a nice job. 4/5
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yes, I've actually been spending A LOT of time on the actual game instead of forge hub lately. Now I'm back. I actually made two maps over these past few weeks, but I'm only releasing this one now.
    The back wall is interlocked on the lower levels, not the top, as I was running out of boxes.
    #3 ZANDER1994, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  4. VGI dYn4sTy

    VGI dYn4sTy Ancient
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    nice structure mn i give it a 8/10
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    That's sweet, I love picture two. I've never thought of doing that. I'm going to use that idea if I have your permission. It's just awesome. 4.5/5. Very creative. Two thumbs up!
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    WTF! I got like 40 views before I was bumbed off the newest maps section. Damn noobs and their constant map posting. It never used to be that way.
  7. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    I'm glad you edited Tourney and made it into T squared, it's a lot better forge, I don't know about the spawns yet though. I've never seen the barrier on the ceiling method yet until this thread, very creative. I'll give it a try. 4/5, Mainly because the second third level of the wall blocking off north Foundry isn't very clean.
  8. Sweat Tomato

    Sweat Tomato Ancient
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    So many eople posting maps these days. I guess forging is very popular. Anyway cool map, I'll try it out. 4/5
  9. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Nice map dude. It looks very well made and fun. I was just wondering, why did you name it T2?
  10. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    T2 by ZANDER1994

    As Zander says the map is cetaintly a smaller one taking up very little of the space availiable in Foundry. When you first load it up T2 really does not feel so small. The height of the map certainly helps to make the map feel bigger than it actually is; this really helps because Claustrophobic maps, which this is definately not, can be very intimitating for players.

    On a note of the maps construction its very nicely built, The upright bridge wall is very nice and i think it really makes the map feel tall much more than the boxes do. A large amount of the map is interlocked and the work you have done is all good and flat, as with most maps a few little bumps here and there but this nothing to worry about. You have shown on the map that you know how to Geo-merge objects with the two merged single boxes so i was surprised to see that in blocking off the map you did not geo-merge two walls that look rather hastily placed in to prevent escape. Its a little point but i think it would just help tidy up the map. I was sceptical about your half geo-merge with the crane, thinking i would be able to escape through the barriers but its very difficult to get out. Certainly not likely in an actual game.

    Weapon balance is good and not overdone. Knowing this is a relatively small level you have resisted placing two many weapons. This is one of the maps strong points. When it came to weapon placement you certaintly have mastered the art of restraint. Not having a spare clip on the Shotgun is a must in a level like this.

    The soft objects you have placed on the map, ie. Palets, Oil Drums, Fusion Coils etc, give the map a little dose of character and stop it feeling too clean.

    Spawning is something im worried about on your map. I have a sneaky feeling that when played you will find that there are not enough spawn points. Also your choice to make all spawn points "defender" or "attacker" team certainly cuts this map in half and i worry that if someone worked very hard to push a side of the map either, someone will spawn behind them, literally a few meters behind them, or spawn camping might be possible with a good Sniper.

    I usually always criticise grav lifts but yours works fine its serves its purpose well and i cannot say anything bad about it. Its a nice way of accessing the top floor of the center structure.

    Expect games of Oddball and CTF to be fast paced on this map. Slayers will also probably tend to be quick in nature as well.

    This map looks like it would be fun to play FFA but the current spawn settings i cannot be too sure that FFA would work very well.

    T2 is a small map that is fast and furious in nature. Dominated by team play the key to sucess will be how well you and your team are able to flank your opponents and pin them into their side of the map.

    I SeNTiNeL I
    Pegasi likes this.
  11. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Very nice accomplishment here, ZANDER. The interlocking of the tunnel is very smooth and looks nice. I know you may not care, but there is a small problem noticed. First is the neatness of the enclosing wall. That could be made more nice looking. And to do with the wall, also, the barrier in the first picture would lead to some escaping due to jumping up onto the crane ledge and hopping right on out. The weapons list seems very small, but I cannot be too sure due to the pictures do not lead to a large enough spectrum depicting the map;s actual size.

    But on other hands, I believe this is a reasonable amount of work. The three levels are a great idea, leading to a vroader range of movement, so perhaps I was wrong about the weapons, maybe there arent enough?

    I have not loaded the map or plan on loading it. I do not for any maps these days. But from looking at it, the enclosure does seem to show. It looks dreadfully small, but you know what? I may be absolutely wrong. Other than that, this looks very clean and well done. Keep it up.

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