To play: Grab a hammer, place the skull on the weapon holder and have at it! Click this link to download the map: Play with game type T Ball Pics: Its a HIT! Beautiful Catch by Icy J 101 Up To Bat Homerun YAY! Simple rule to follow to prevent constant base stealing: Dont steal bases when the outfielder is returning the ball to the T. The way we played we had to stop stealing bases when the ball carrier stood on the pitchers mound (signifing the end of the play) Homeruns are possible but very rare, and getting the ball stuck on the roof is a pretty funny homerun. How the game type is set up. Everybody is Invincible except for assinations and oddball kills. everybody has less gravity and runs faster (not to the max) when carrying the ball your even faster but gravity is less/base player you need to keep score in your head or if you really want to get serious about it on paper. im trying out different score meathods so if you have a scoreing idea let me know. Honor Rules: No assinating when uncalled for No stealing bases when the ball is being returned (pitchers mound signal) No use of hammers when running bases. act weaponless. T bag only when absolutly nessisary Have Fun and let me know what you think. Created by Black Derby & Icy J 101
Please embed images on a website. It is much easier for everyone here instead of clicking every link. Click here to learn how to properly post your map
first off THANK YOU SO MUCH! i had spend way too long looking for those codes. but... i still cant imbed the images i want. help? im taking the url from the window that pops up when i click on a recent pic in my account. im not sure if thats right but if you could help me out you would be doing a great service to us all.
hey, im new to forge hub and i just confused myself... on alot of threads it says "click here to dowload (...) map" i dont have that... can you get the map? and if so how?
did you get the map or just the gametype? the map is what you really need but both are just as important.
Please please please don't triple post. To answer your question, that link to get to your map works just as well. And this sounds ridiculously funny. I'd never have thought of how to make this, good job.
Photobucket is easier and better. Do like this: 1.sign up to photobucket/imageshack pictures from 3.upload pictures to photob./images. 4.type: in your post 5.submit topic
make sure to rate it on im not entirely sure how posting a map here will make if famous over there. the only reason im posting this map here is because it has the potetial for bungie favorites and i really need to get it out there.
This is yet another ingenius way to make a sport for Halo 3 (IMO this should be in the mini-games section, but anyways...) ----- I never knew that the oddball would stay on a weapon holder, this has given me some ideas on how I could incorporate that into an oddball map that i make (if I ever come around to doing it) ----- The screenshots give me the impression that this looks like a lot of fun, but I can't really give a review until I test it personally But I do have a question considering the gametype. Does everyone have high shields or low shields, extra dmg or 0 dmg, etc. Are there honor rules? I think you should explain some of these things in order to make it clear how this should be played to other people searching thru these maps. Also - I hope you embed your pics so that anyone who just comes in the thread for 10 seconds will see your gameplay shots and give this map a shot instead of passing it off as "n00b" because the pics aren't embedded Edit : The rules say to not double post, so please refrain from doing this, you can easily edit your posts to test your embedding
alright, i did everything you recommended and added info about the game variant. hope i get to play some T Ball with ya. and sorry about the double posting. i didnt know i cant delete them / i didnt really know what i was doing at the time. can i delete them? and i posting more right now? should i stop responding?
Thank you for the update, now I know how it's played. Just one more question though (sorry), Do the people in the field run up to the base runners and punch them if they aren't at the base to "get them out"