System Zeta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    To everyone else who complained/questioned about the merging, I repeat:

    Yes, it was completely intentional. It's actually easier to make relatively flat geo-merges than to merge at crazy angles like I did in the map. It was done for aesthetic appeal and to fit the desert/wasteland theme of the map (angled boxes look more like rocks than flat boxes).

    Thanks to those who praised/DL'd the map, and I urge anyone who is still confused or curious to DL and make a forgethrough. I can only say so much in a post, it is much better to see it for yourself.

    More feedback is always welcome.
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I have no idea what that was trying to say to me, you should deffinetly explain it a lot throughly. I mean the pictures didn't even help me with the description either. Also your interlocking a geo-merging doesn't look like it had any thought put into, just randomness. Sorry I have no idea what is going on here, no download for me.

  3. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    You did a very good job with the rock outcroppings and the towers, however, i think having a blocked off center structure is kinda wack
    there could be a few changes but i like your idea
  4. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    I DLed like I said I would, and it was very fun. I didn't exactly use the weapons, I just kind of drove around witht eh ghost and tried to splatter people it was great.
  5. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Ok, thanks a lot for the PM. I had remembered this thread, but forgot the name of it. I looked through several pages trying to find the map that I posted this on, but couldn't find it. I'll definitely have to remember to subscribe next time this happens.

    ANYWHO, thanks for the reply. That alone gains a bit of respect. As per the map itself, my feelings have improved. I'm glad to see that the geo-merges were intentional, but just like Michael Jackson is intentionally alive, that doesn't make me like it.

    See where I'm gettin' at? I guess I just prefer precision and fine-tuned maps. I prefer clean, even merges. I can see where you're coming from with the map theme and all, but to stretch the cosmetics of Foundry to be something else is something I have seen before. I've also seen the boxes merged unevenly as you have done. I'm pleased to see that the middle of the map has some clean merges, and I'm pleased as well to see that you have practiced this particular look throughout the map.

    It just doesn't appeal to me. It doesn't look pretty, and even in gameplay, I'd prefer to have an even surface on which to bank grenades and such.

    Overall, 4/5. For the map itself, I have little more to say than I just don't prefer the type of map. There's nothing wrong with the style, and nothing can be said about your efforts/skill. I can tell you put work in. I say my opinion in that matter as respectfully, humbly, and constructively as possible. 'Grats.
  6. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I'm sorry but it really does not follow a theme...
  7. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    very unique.. i know soeme is suposed to look like ruins but the main structure looks a pit sloopy.. other then that looks good.
  8. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the imput. I see that my intentionally crooked geo-merging wasn't really a big hit amongst you guys, so I'll make some major changes around the spawn area and post a v2 whenever I get around to it (hopefully within a week).

    I do agree that that area of the map was a bit weak, as two merged double boxes and a bunch of empty space doesn't really give off the impression of an expert forger, so I'll probably just delete everything over there and give it another shot.

    Question: is there any way to money glitch the map even though most of it is done. I fear the answer's no, but if someone knows something I don't then please tell me.

    I'm open to any suggestions that might make the map better, especially the afforementioned area. I might delete the vehicles and make it a small 3 v 3/4 v 4 map. Tell me what y'all think...

    @ dented: lol, the pm I sent you had a link, so you didn't have to look through 5 pages of maps to find it...and I'll notify you when v2 comes out (if I remember)
    #28 JJ3672, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
    dented_drum likes this.
  9. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hey, bro. I wouldn't change it. Seriously, I don't like it. I would never use that style in one of our maps, but that's your's and I wouldn't change it because a few people didn't like it. You got a ton of positive comments, and even though I don't like the look of it, I can certainly respect one's time input into doing it. Anyone who's geo-merged knows the difficulty of things like that, and if you can do it purposely, then 'grats to you, my friend.

    Now, about the money-glitching. I'd consult one of the seniors or this thread. If you can't find a link in that thread, then may God have mercy on your soul.

    Tell ya what I'll do. I'm gonna DL it, check it out tomorrow, ( after my Forge session with Grid, we have a summer map in the making=] ) and I'll tell ya what I think. You handle criticism incredibly well. I'm impressed. For that, you receive a DL, +rep, and a FR.
    #29 dented_drum, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008

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