Synthetic Made By: HJ117 (LayedBackGaming) Lap Time: 1:15 Supports: 1-16 Players Gametype: Race (BT maybe in the future) Download Link: I finally bring you my Fourth race track it has been a long time since i have made a map but im finally back and bringing you my best map yet! this map consists of amazing forging with Amazingly smooth banked waves, banked spirals, hills, and much more!! the map uses almost every piece possibly i even used the decorative pieces to finish the map! It doesnt consist of too many asthetics but even withought alot of asthetics the map still continue to stand out and leaves you and your friends with a great track to spend time playing on together with! please be sure to let me know what you think about the map below and be sure to download it if you like it thanks guys and enjoy the video and pictures!! Video Provided by: Me (HJ117 or LayedBackGaming) Halo Reach Forge Map #4 Synthetic by: HJ117‏ - YouTube Link to LayedBackGaming's Youtube Channel: Pictures: Overviews: Start (under hill): First Turn (Banked Wave): Second Turn (Banked Spiral) Third Turn (Banked Turn) Fourth Turn (Banked Wave): Fifth Turn (Banked Spiral): Sixth Turn (Banked Wave): Seventh Turn (Inside Tunnel): Eighth Turn (Banked Turn): Ninth Turn (Banked Spiral): Start of Hill: Thanks again for checking it out guys remember to be sure and let me know what you think below and please download!! Synthetic
Looks great man. Like how large scale it is. the turns and everything is pretty nice. Can't wait to see more.
I really liked the track itself but I really didn't like what you did with it aesthetically. I think the juicy filter looks flat out atrocious, but that might just be me. I also found it weird that you made the tunnel where you did. There's a section of the track that actually touches the ground that I would think would be a much more logical place to put a rock tunnel instead of having it float in the air. Other than that, it's a really nice track. I especially like how you managed the starting area and the sixth turn is really fun.
Hmmm, that starting area looks oddly familiar... Anyway, the track is very well made and races great. You managed to keep it smooth even while using some of the less ideal pieces. I, too, thought the rock tunnel looked kind of out of place although it doesn't matter much to me as I've never been one to place too much emphasis on aesthetics. I'm glad to see you release another map, and I hope you decide to make a BT compatible version. Nice forging.