
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by tEn Of SpAdE5, May 14, 2011.

  1. tEn Of SpAdE5

    tEn Of SpAdE5 Forerunner

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    A symmetrical map (obviously) that owns a main arena and to team zones, The main arena contains:
    A 1x1 cube
    A small antenna
    6 long tunnels

    This map uses man cannons to transport to the other side of the map without harm, cleverly placed weapons and uses grid to create a unique atmosphere, new gametype will soon be ready for it including:
    • Crazy King
    • Terrortories
    • Juggernaut
    • Assault
    • And Finally CTF and MultiCTF
    This map has two heavy weapons, A Shotgun (1 extra round) and A grenade launcher (1 extra round)
    This map will thrill you with immediate action from the start, due to the mancannons, so no AFKers!

    In infection players will only have one camping spot (or two seeing as though the map is Symetrical!) so players will struggle to not confront any zombies. There are no out of place floor tiles or walls so smooth and better gameplay is achieved, Health packs ARE included for swat and Slayer and any gametype played on it.

    The Mancannons
    Well the mancannons area feature in this small map, after several positions tested they are able to finally reach the other side of the map, using one way shields two smoothen the landing.

    Testers are:
    Ten of Clubs I
    Please leave all Feedback and comments in Replies.

    -tEn Of SpAdE5

    Now for some screen shots taken by myself:

    Red team base
    Blue team base
    Tunnel from the main arena
    Bridge leading down to shield door
    #1 tEn Of SpAdE5, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011

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