This is my second serious attempt at a competitive and fully-playable map. Now don't take this the wrong way, I have been working on this map for the last couple of days, and I have made sure that everything works just the way I want it. I have tested this map a lot and it is a blast with 6 to 12 people. Yes, this is a Foundry map that can comfortably house up to atleast 12 people. It looks a lot smaller than it feels, so don't worry. Description There is a building that is open on the top and it has a bridge leading off of it in the middle of the building. On this bridge leading to the wall is a power drainer, and where the odd ball and neutural bomb spawns. Under the bridge is a way from base to base, and as I mentioned before, the building is to the left (or right depending in which base you are looking at it from) of it. On the other side is a courtyard, complete with a catwalk on the far side and a circular mosaic in the middle, and is also filled with weapons and cover. This is probably where most of the action happens, since it is so wide open (well, sort of.) There are many possibilities and paths around the map, as there is a mongoose in each base. I'll just post the pictures now, so I can give you guys something to look at while I am editing: This is the Blue Base This is alternatively the Red Base This is a view of the Building This is a view of alternatively, the Courtyard Here are a couple overviews: This is the Garage that in which a mongoose is located in each base The Sniper Spawn The Shotgun Spawns (one near each base) The Rocket Launcher Spawn The Grav Lift on each side going up the building and eventually to the sniper rifle Weapons (Respawn Time:Spare Clips) Battle Rifle x6 (30:2) Assault Rifle x2 (30:2) w/ 2 frags Sniper Rifle x1 (45:1) SMG x4 (one set of two for each side) (30:2) Needler x2 (30:2) w/ 2 plasmas Plasma Rifle x1 (30:?) w/ 2 plasmas Shotgun x2 (30:0) w/ 2 plasmas Rocket Launcher x1 (60:0) w/ 2 frags Carbines x2 (30:2) Brute Shot x1 (45:2) w/ 2 spikes Secret weapon x1 (?:?) Equipment Power Drainer x1 (90) Bubble Shield x1 (90) Vehicles One mongoose for each side. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Hmm, I can see one picture that has me excited. But there isn't much else. Your post is a little vague, not too informative. I would really like to see you add more pics and detail your description more, then I will be able to make a more informed choice on wether I should download. But for now, it looks promising.
I believe you posted this prematurely by accident. Nobody else say anything, give him a chance to edit it... EDIT: seem to be a step ahead of me...and ten steps ahead of Brute.
this has a really good design. it has very good interlocking and very cool use of scenery to form ramps and the like. it looks like a very good slayer map but there is maybe too much open space and not enough different places to go everything is pretty much centered around the structure in the middle. but good job it looks very nice!
Looks like a fun map. Ill download it. Some suggestions would be to try and somehow straighten the 'tower of spools' Mabye use a sideways double box and press them against it. It'll make it look neater.
If you hit them with a large explosion or other force (grenades, rockets, running a mongoose into it) will they fall over? Actually this is a pretty good map.
first off im pretty sure i can see the secret from the pics, and this map does have some parts that look pretty good, but have you considered geo merging some of the open boxes with the floor?