Remake Sword Tournament

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by uncle w0p, Feb 8, 2011.

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  1. uncle w0p

    uncle w0p Forerunner

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    Eight men enter.
    The better man leaves.
    The lesser man, is getting t-bagged.

    This is what I like to call, "Sword Tournament". It is a remake of a H3 custom map, and always use to be my favorite.

    The Objective:
    To fight, and defeat every person you face, one by one.

    Doesn't sound like much, huh? Well, let me explain it a bit better.
    You start out on a small platform with you, and another guy. You two fight each other until one of you win. After that, the next platform appears and you face the person on the other side who won that battle. And finally, if you've won each of those matches, the final platform appears, and you face the toughest of the bunch.

    So basically, in brief, it's a tournament.
    You can play with fewer, but I highly recommend eight players. But no more. The map won't hold more then eight.

    Enjoy :D

  2. AiSbLSharebear

    AiSbLSharebear Forerunner

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    I would suggest reading post rules before your post is locked
  3. uncle w0p

    uncle w0p Forerunner

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    Which rule did I break? Sorry, this is the first post I've made :/
  4. Humzaman

    Humzaman Forerunner

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    u have to put pics or a vid before it gets locked. those are the rules
  5. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry for the two idiots above me giving you the equivalent of a "Cool lack of pictures, bro." A member who doesn't know where the **** rules are located, or doesn't know how to post pictures still won't know if you don't tell him. There's the fact that some guy thought it would be super-usefull to repeat, mindlessly, what the guy right above him already said.

    Feel free to report them for spam. Anyways w0p, your post really isn't up to Forgehub standards. You're going to need to fix the following issues to avoid getting your post Locked:
    • All map posts require at least one embeded picture or video.
    • Add a description of at least 500 characters. (it's easy)
    • Give information about your map.

    Follow these few steps and you'll have yourself a great-looking map post. For future referance, read the Rules when visiting new forums. It'll save you a lot of time and correction.

    #5 Hogframe, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011
  6. Really Caboose

    Really Caboose Forerunner

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    I have no idea what this map is about.... besides a sword tourny... but i'm still downloading. Just cuz i think your special.

    P.S. just kidding... the links led me to a non existent map & game type:)
    #6 Really Caboose, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  7. ProfessorPoison

    ProfessorPoison Forerunner

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    i think that this is a map for mini game maps, not casual, although it could be in casual it seems like it should be in the mini game section... also, i think i saw a sword tournament map in the mini game section already.
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