Halo 4 Green Screen Tutorial - YouTube skip to :30 yeah, the original advantage of the energy sword was that you didn't waste energy by missing, but now... at least the counter for the hammer was the area of effect and larger "clip" but now the sword has both a smaller, equally exhaustible clip, and no AOE, making it an inferior weapon :\
I think it's to compensate being able to spawn it in with personal ordnance. Can you imagine people running around with Halo 3, or god forbid Halo 2, swords?
The boltshot is sufficient enough nerf for the sword that nothing else remotely matters, IMO. Everyone uses the thing and it wins against the sword almost as often as shotty did in previous Halo titles.
i find myself getting a triple kill and a killing spree almost everytime i get the sword, i dont think its nerfed at all, sure it might have less charge, but i've only had one instance that i survived longer than the swords charge...gameplay is so quick now on maps that the sword is good on i dont think it matters
no they nerfed the cancellation feature, damn i miss smacking sword guy when he swung and not dying ;-/
Yeah, normally i never really accidentally (lotta y's) hit a surface because I miss an enemy, though i miss alot with the sword. Since I never have much luck with the sword and always die in mid charge, ill never use it enough to care.