Come one come all, Come kill your enemies with swords. Wow, thats such a bad starting line... :l Anyways, welcome to The pit of Death! Yes, this IS the pit from Star Wars I. It is the pit where Darth Maul fought Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi. No, im not much of a fan of star wars. This is a great map for any other gametypes, but theres no true instructions. I am recommending my Sword Fight gametype. This is a great game to this map. |NOTE| you can change the gametype to teams for team sword fight, or go all out FFA. Also, You might notice this map IS the pit from Halo 3. It WAS posted here in Forge Hub. My friends and I had so much fun on this map in Halo 3 that I decided to re-make the map in Reach. Good Luck! Have Fun. ~Screenshots~ Sorry, i have no idea why the post isnt accepting direct screenshot links and BBcode. Please tell me how to fix this.
Welcome to Forge Hub You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A description A working download link Pictures (at least 3 recommended) Any other information you would like to include A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below. ANY POST STATING THIS THREAD IS NOT UP TO STANDARDS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM FROM THIS POINT FURTHER
I fixed your first screenshot for you. What you have to do is right click on the image, then select "copy image URL" or something similar. You then paste it into your thread inside the image code tags, make sure that it is formatted similar to the image I fixed, then repeat for the rest. If that doesnt work/make sense, then use the guide Rorak Kuroda posted; it is incredibly helpful, just a little detailed.